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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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14 Good


  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme One.Elite with Step V-Steel
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Supreme Classic
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM U+ Pro
  • Pants
    Reebok 9k Girdle
  • Helmet
    CCM V08 + Chrome FM480 Cage
  • Gloves
    Warrior Luxe
  • Stick
    Reebok Ai9

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  1. 3 months later.. decided to get em sharpened although I don't really think they needed to be. So crazy how well these things hold an edge.
  2. Just wanted to say how impressed I am with these blades after about 6 months. I've been on the ice 1-2 times a week in those 6 months and have only felt the need to get them sharpened once (after the original sharpen).
  3. It might not actually be 7/16th that I normally get it done at. I just drop the skates off and pick them up. I'll have to ask next time for confirmation. I was told that 7/16th is standard so I assumed that my regular sharpen is a 7/16th.
  4. 90/75 seemed to be way too much bite for me. Of course I was using them on a surface I don't usually skate on, a much higher quality surface. Likely just going to stick with what I have for now as there aren't many places in Vancouver that offer the FBV.
  5. 90/75 FBV with a 9/11 dual radius Specs of the blades on some skates used skates I purchased. How much different will this feel compared to my regular stock 7/16 sharpening with stock step steel (believe it is 10" radius)?
  6. Hah I was just looking at those gloves as they were $50 at a local consignment shop. Someone then directed me to Winners. Going to go check em out. Hopefully my sister likes em enough to warrant a purchase.
  7. I know eh. Retail are brutal.. prefer the thick socks more than retail edge.
  8. You can't even see the mirror after you hit the ice. Ice gets on em.
  9. I do that to the face/back of my stick to flatten it + look like a boss ;).
  10. Are you on the right? You look like Matt Frattin lol.
  11. Vancouver Giants x60 SE, 87 flex, P91, with custom colour graphics I believe?
  12. Phaneuf jersey I got for 75% off (too good to pass up), brand new medium 9k girdle and navy shell (shell is for sale):
  13. Finally got out to try my Step. Thought it would take a while but it just felt right the moment I stepped onto the ice. The bite was really nice and the glide was nice. Only thing that I didn't like was the size of the back of the blade affected my backwards skating, which wasn't strong to begin with. Going to keep on trying em out, and maybe get em profiled to help with the backwards skating if I can't adjust.
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