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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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18 Good

About Sprungdownunder

  • Birthday 06/01/1974


  • Skates
    Pro tacks/sprungs
  • Stick
  • Gloves
  • Helmet
    Ccm ht2
  • Pants
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shin Pads
  • Hockey Bag

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  • Interests
    Anything hockey, favourite player jags in his prime ,out of hockey, 4x4 off roading & big diesels
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  1. Did you end up trying the new Pro's on? My current skates are a size 9 R 100k & they fit fairly well with only slight heel lift & toes brush caps, wondering if a 9 taper would work in the XF's.
  2. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9sxyvoydke/?igsh=c2Ezdncwc3NvaXhh True posted on insta the only difference between the 9x4 & 7x4 is steel, insoles & aesthetics.
  3. Would those arms cope with pucks from slappers & stick slashes? Maybe if there titanium I couldn't see other metal or alloy that thin in the arms handle hockey abuse.
  4. Ice warehouse lists the 7x4 at 1007 grams & the 9x4 at 1013 grams. I was leaning towards upgrading my skates to the 9x4 but they are priced the same as the XF Pro's & in my opinion CCMs have alot more going for them, lighter, better holders/steel,Fors composite looks like it will stand up to game wear better & the internal padding looks comfortable. They should of kept last year's prices then the 9x4 would of been a more compelling purchase over the stiff opposition.
  5. From what I can see they have added the DLC & new insoles to ramp up the price, that's the only difference between the 9X4'S and 7X4's.
  6. Size 9 R is my correct fit, toes just brush the cap on the major brands. I have used 8.5 R in both brands & won't drop down to that size again because of the pain in my big toe. So I was wondering if a 9 in the Trues would end up being too big for my liking because of the thermo moulding properties open them up alot more then other brands. Unfortunately I am in a location that has no Trues & id have to order them online if I wanted them.
  7. I need advice on sizing as I am thinking of moving to the Hazrdus or the soon to be released 9x4's. I always fit comfortably with my big toe just brushing up in the toe box in a 9 regular fit in a Bauer or CCM, 8.5's get uncomfortable on the big toe & they go numb. Would I be right that in Trues you need to size down because of the moulding process? Also I have always skated on 280 size holders going down to a 8.5 would put me into a 272 size holder which is a bit of a concern. Lastly is the Hazrdus more durable then the Cat9 to carbon cracking? Thx for the advice modsquad community 👍
  8. I had a few of these in the shed & decided to put them to use on the ice & was I surprised! The feel for the puck is a noticeable improvement over carbon for me but there is a weight difference between the two. I'll use them up before I have to spend up on some expensive twigs!
  9. Anyone know what curve equivalent this koho blade would be ?
  10. With pro stock though wouldn't the boot be made for the players foot or is say like a standard size boot with customisations, tongue,liner, holder size,stiffer & so forth?
  11. Looking at some new skates & considering the ribcor 100k's , they have been out for awhile now so there durability should be well known. When they first came out there was a post which showed there quarter package all cracked up but can't seem to find it, anyone got some experience with them , are they holding up? Are they worth buying?
  12. I asked a player using them recently what he thought about them & he said he didn't notice anything different from LS holders.
  13. If you need more protection for your knees try Smith's knee gaskets the ones skateboarders use , they are a compression fit with padding.
  14. How's this for a alternative to a cat eye player cage! Vintage CCM half cage
  15. You could always fit your own chin cup ,what worries me is if the toe of the stick can fit thru the cat's eye?
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