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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Furyan

  1. Man, if they put it $300 they would sell everything for 2 days -) I would not use that kind of logic for the current situation cuz we're speaking about entry to the market
  2. Guys, quick question - is there same size of RS and Mako?
  3. Does anybody know when Easton starts to sell Mako skates?
  4. Few of mine On ice from behind: One more, I'm with Craig MacTavish while on of semifinals on Hockey Championship 2010 at Cologne:
  5. Here is my photos from last game at saturday (#19) 1 - Playing in defence 2 - On the faceoff 3 - timeout
  6. Helmet: Itech HC100 Gloves: MIA MB22 15", Mission L7 15", Mission Warp4 14" Shoulder: Jofa/RBK 8k Elbows: Jofa/RBK 8k Pants: Easton ZAir Shins: Jofa/RBK 8k Skates, Mission S500 Sticks: Easton Synergy ST, Inno 1100, Montreal woody.
  7. what does it say at the top of your innovative? nice sticks though! It means EFSI. It is written in Russian. They the Russian manufacturer. If I am not mistaken, Igor Larionov a member of board or the co-owner. EFSI has some models of gloves Eagle and MIA. EFSI
  8. My sticks My gear
  9. Hey, Kubs, are you played with CSKA Moscow Hockey Club? What year of a birth there were these children? Who has won? ;-)
  10. It's me.. http://foto.mail.ru/inbox/d.spiridonov/1/s-5.jpg
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