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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Furyan

  1. I use both alternative helps, (tape could "eat" the palm in 5-10 ice times) but not so noticeble as i want to..
  2. Hey guys! I need some advice with choosing a brand new pair of gloves. there are some key points: 1. i sweat alot. ALOT, especially my hands. my gloves become to really wet after 10-15min of ice time, which caused really quick palm wearing, and i got a hole on a upper glove roughly after 2-3months of using almost every pair of gloves I had 2. i really need a snug fit of gloves because i had some finger injuries. plus, my hands are really narrow and skinny, size is 13". 3. I've tried gloves with a special palms inserts, like ccm tacks 9080 with kevlar reinforcements, but i felt lack ot grip and stop using them. so the hard grip is important too so, according everything i've spotlight above, i'm trying to choose something which gives me a nice snug fit, realy hard grip and will be durable enough to not buy a new pair once per 2-3months there are some of i'm considering to buy: ccm 9060. i had a tacks as1 and 9080, but on as1 a palm of the upper glove was completely destroyed after 2 months, and 9080 had a really bad grip for me bauer (2s pro, 2s, s29) - but i have no ideas what kind of palm a mounted on them because models are fresh.. pls, help me to choose something -) maybe there are other options exist, except ccm and bauer? all recomendations are welcome thanks in advance!
  3. Hi there Looks like i've finally decide to switch to girdles from pants after 20yrs -)) I can see two options to consider - tackla breezers and ccm supertacks as a top level choise, but i'm open to get something else as well Does anybody has an experience of using both of them? Which pro/cons? What I'm looking for after pants (from much importance to the less): - mobility - lightweight - breathable -) Thanks in advance!
  4. Hey guys, As far as i'm living in the middle of nowhere, i'm trying to find nice and easy online pro shop with wide stock of blades (step, tydan etc) and andvanced shaprening options like profiling (prosharp etc) and fbv/channel z Second point is using PayPal and international shipments Thanks in advance
  5. Hey guys, I've got a problem with my FT2s After 4 month of usage I found out serious problem with both holders The blades mounted on each holder start to wobbling Now is absolutely impossible to use a regular CCM steel, and with my fresh Step blades (because they are wider) i have wobbling effect little bit less but I feel it (mostly on right holder) So, are there any experienced guys who faced with such kind of situation (all the servicemen advice me just replace both holders to new ones, and told me that newer even heard about same cases before...) Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
  6. Thanks, JR Actually it's easier way for me to remount holder in LHS for few bucks than having a deep dive in to the huge corporate machine like Bauer -))
  7. Is it safety for outsole structure to remount 280 instead of 271? I mean drilling new holes near by existed ones
  8. I didn’t ask mybauer to mount something exactly - it just happened In fact - there was not any point about holder size in the spec all that I’m worrying is it normally or not
  9. Hey guys! I've ordered my new bauer 1x, with these options: L-9 0 , R- 8 3/4 When I got my new skates, I've found out already mounted holders 272mm, but the LHS guy who helping me during the order told me that mybauer usually mount 280mm size on same size for retail ones Second point is the look of skates - seems like that 272 is really small (roughly 1cm gap from border of outsole on the toe and 1,5cm on the heel side) Is anybody here to make it clear? Thanks!
  10. I've heard it many times, but my personal experience shown me they are different I used to use ccms (U+s, Tacks and Jetspeeds) and when I swithed to supremes with egdes, I felt alot of issues In the end, I mounted SB holders to supreme boots and found my skating much more better Dont know the exactly problem: looks like the pitch is equal, the profile is equal (zupperior M) But it exist -)
  11. I'm not so good adviser in terms of technical things, but I've been a long big proponent of mission's skates fit (narrow, mid instep, soft upper part of skate with stiff lower) Personally i've found partly similars: ccm jetspeeds (not FT1!!!), bauer supreme (with untied upper eyelets) and of course VH/True (but $$$) Only mine opinion
  12. Yepp, thanks, I know the sizing turbulence case with FT gen of ccm skates In fact my question is much more about fit, not sizing According of everything I've read FT390 is a copy of Jetspeed 2015, as far I understand Is it true?
  13. Cant wait -)) Do you have any details? Worth it is for waiting? -)
  14. Are they really similar? Unfortunately, I don't have an opportunity to try..
  15. Hey guys Probably it is gonna be a short question, but I really confused with replacement my current pair of Jetspeeds that I've bought in 2015 It is best fitting skates for me personally, but i need to replace them cause they became soft I dont want (i've tryed) to switch to FT1, because they a different and not so comfy that JS15 Cannot decide which is model really closer to JS15 - FT380, FT380 or FT370 Thanks in advance!
  16. Thanks, Vet88! Great explanation, very helpful!
  17. What kind of eyelet extenter do you mean? I saw sometning like you've described but not sure. And for gel pads the I have a same question, thanks! -) Secondly, I didn't get your idea with pronation.. Could you describe it little bit more detailed? How can I correct the pronation? Thanks in advance!
  18. Yepp, it is almost mine situation -))) To be honest, I've tried a coulpe of bauer vapors in the past - it was XXX and APX 1st gen They was really painful skates for me because of lack of depth for my feet, and they are always start to press eyelets right in to my ancle bones But I'm ready to check it again, maybe they become little bit deeper... Thanks!
  19. Interesting... How did you keep these pads to skates? With glue? What kind?
  20. Hey guys I have a problem for years - after 2-3 months of using any skates I always get problems with heel lock I'm not tightening upper 2 eylets to feel free my ancles, so when my skates are new and fresh I never have any problems with fixing my heel It happens anytime with any pairs (supreme, jetspeeds, ft1 and even custom VH) I suppose it caused by my ancles and heels are really narrow and skiny Once i claimed to Scoot Van Horne about that problem and I was adviced that the best way to fix it - heat rear side of every skate with heatgun and press hardly to make it narrower How do you think, is it a best way, or maybe there should be any other options? Thanks in advance!
  21. I guess something like that... BTW, I've ordered it with tan clarion liner As far as I can see on they web site - there is an option to choose black wick liner... Anybody ordered this? Any feedbacks?
  22. Nah, come on, it's old song - where did you figure out that the weight is bigger factor for me? The question is why my current VHs are heavier more than 150g than previous ones (options are mentioned above) and how to get next one with adequate weight
  23. I cant believe -( I've got old ones - they are pretty light! Why just not to produce replacement?! Waiting to officials....
  24. I mean "order", not "make", sorry Probably could I ordered something that bringss a lot of weight? if not - it is bad news for me
  25. Hey guys! Maybe it is a stupid question, but anyway -)) I have 2 pairs of VH First one is more than okay - it is first gen of VH (carbon toes, so on), but i was little bit wrong with measurements - so that is why I have ordered second pair with Rob All i wanted is updated one with correct measurements of my feet, but I decided to add some options: - Hard Plastic Toe Cap - Double Stitching near Toe Cap - Liner Options -- Tan Clarino - Flexible tendon guard (one-piece tendon guard) - Black felt tongue with Enhanced Metatarsal Guard - Blacked Out VH Logo - Holders and blades - Easton CXN 280MM In the end I have got new one, they are almost okay, but they are on 100g heavier that previous ones at least! Look, i am not a "weight freak" but it is awful - in size 280mm they weight is more than 900g, it is like old Graf -))) So here is the question: how can I do my VH lighter? Maybe, one of mentions above options caused that weight addition - is it the reason? Please, share your experience with me Thanks in advance!
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