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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by pantherfan

  1. okay smartguy, is this photoshopped then? I post a topic and some idoits think they're detectives from CSI.... Yeh i'll admit i thought i was kinda clever when i saw that! :P But ya gotta admit you do look kinda similar(equiptment wise)
  2. Isn't that your "FRIEND" who has problems with his ankles! lol ;) http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?sh...=0entry292491 I thought it was probobly you lol
  3. wow what happend to your toecaps?
  4. I have Custom+ on my 8090's i did it because i was sick of snapping blades and i was always paranoid if i blocked a shot I think it was worth the money for me as it only cost me $37 incl. Fitting+Shipping
  5. i would say 8090 v12 xx e60 the whole tacks range
  6. nice gloves miike hopfully i can get my cam working soon to show my stuff off
  7. COOL have you got a hockey stick rack? If you have where did you get it? :P
  8. I got a synergy from the panthers kit sale too, with a moran blade and a whole load of stick and sock tape
  9. Don't you hate it though when your gloves are all crispy and stiff I dont like the feeling of them being damp as soon as you put them on but u get used to it as soon as youstart to play and you have better movement in them i think
  10. I left all my gear in my bag once after a game and had 24 hours till the next one, i had to wear all wet gear and it was horrible the only good things were that my gloves wernt stiff on the palms(but they stank like hell)
  11. Its probobly because you've recentley skated in them
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