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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. We looked at the Hyperlite Shoulder pads. Not a good design. Look on top by the caps and you will see a red plastic piece. That plastic is also on the underside unpadded. My daughter felt that plastic on her shoulder and immediately took them off. It's on the 3X Pro version also. What was Bauer thinking?
  2. Guys thanks for the comments. My Bantam daughter went a different direction in the Bauer Supreme 3S. The FT4 fit fine but she just didn't like how flimsy they felt. The new Tacks have a float to the chest piece and it sticks out at the bottom by the stomach. Not a great design and she does not have a big stomach pushing it out. The caps on last years Tacks wrap around the front a bit and catch on stride. Yea she's picky. But the Supremes are light and mobile and actually fit her the best also. Just wanted to give a quick update as folks were kind enough to comment.
  3. If you have the FT4 Pro, can you comment on how protective it really is. The mobility is outstanding and the caps and collar seem fine but the thin foam body seems like it would not be protective at all. Compared to say the 3D Printed foams on the Tacks mid lines and up, it seems like it just wouldn't do much blocking shots or taking errant sticks? Thanks.
  4. We've bought Warrior all along until now for the same reason. My daughter was ready to move on from the Jr stick/blade. Went to Bauer 50 Flex for the full size blade. She's 13 but not that tall so we can't cut down a 55 without it getting too stiff. The full size P88 curve is essentially identical to the Warrior Jr W88 only bigger so a very short adjustment period. The mid-line Vapor I found on true clearance had held up well. I found a couple of more and stocked up!
  5. Interesting if LS3 is the same alloy and hardness as Step. You would think EQM’s wouldn’t bother with Step. A former NHL EQM swears by Step over anything stock from Bauer. In reality, the right radius and hollow with a good edge will mean more than the brand of steel. Might just have to get it sharpened a bit more. At least the LS3 has a good amount of steel to keep the radius intact since it changes with sharpening. Maybe the new Bauer steel will be an improvement. But good steel still doesn’t fix lousy sharpening which is still a problem at many LHS.
  6. I’m surprised Step lost. That’s like the automotive industry preventing aftermarket parts to be sold. You have to wonder if the extra time is to try to negotiate a longer term agreement. I would think Bauer would not want to alienate the pros over this.
  7. Be interesting on the 160. The One60 was Polyurethane and then Bauer went to tech Nylon for the One.6. Now it's back to PU. I'm not sure the One60 was that great of a skate, anecdotally stiff and uncomfortable but the One.6 seemed to be quite popular and my son likes it. I hope Bauer didn't mess up the 160 by going back. PU should be more substantial but hopefully not at the cost of comfort. Maybe the real "bargain" becomes the 170. But if it ends up on the stiff side, my son won't want to wear it. He picked the One.6 over the One.7. Comfort prevailed.
  8. Isn't that the same outsole that is on the One.6 now? Again for competitive youth hockey, all things being equal, I don't know if there is going to be a measurable difference on the ice. But it seems like a downgrade. one80, one70, one.8, one.7 all had some form of composite outsole and now neither the 170 or 180do. Seems like x80 is the best value in the line but it is really stiff and won't fit everyone.
  9. Looks like Bauer is cheaping out a little. They ditched the composite outsole on the 180 and 170 and went with TPR/TPU. Looks like they ditched the 2.1 runner on the 180 also. At least they kept the 160 thermoformable. That is probably the model my son will get. Not all of us are looking for the highest skates in their line.........
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