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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crossen463 last won the day on March 15 2014

Crossen463 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

8 Neutral

About Crossen463

  • Birthday 09/09/1992


  • Skates
    Easton EQ40
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Nike Bauer Vapor XVI
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 4K
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton EQ3
  • Pants
    Easton Octane
  • Helmet
    Reebok 6K
  • Gloves
    Easton EQ3
  • Stick
    Reebok 20K

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  • Location
    Springfield, IL
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  1. Sherwwod Nexon n10 that just came in the mail. My elderly neighbor cleaned out his basement before moving away and gave me this. I figured some people on here would appreciate it. "patented 1966" if you can't quite read it.
  2. I'm surprised that a company emerging into a new market is expecting people to drop that kind of cash. Both the Surgeon and Stallion have made it onto hockey monkey for preorder I think.
  3. Lucky you are... lucky you are. Will you be allowed to tell us much, if anything about it? I'm assuming your buddy didn't make you sign an NDA lol.
  4. Blackhawks Equipment Sale Feb. 14-16 Wilmette, IL Full details on their site: http://blackhawks.nhl.com/club/page.htm?id=96391
  5. Crossen463

    Reebok 20K OPS

    Stick: Reebok 20KFlex: 85 cut down to about 100 Curve: Similar to Crosby 87A Player: 5'11" 165lbs pickup games 1-3 times a week Shaft/Flex: The shaft has rounded corners and traditional side-walls, so no concave or anything. The shaft I bought came with a 3 inch extension, so when I cut it down to my preferred length, the stick had gone from an 85 flex to about 100. Having said that, the stick does not feel to have any less pop. The stick feels great in my hands. I've always felt that traditional geometry on shafts feels more natural than concave, and this stick is no different for me. The low kickpoint feels good, but took some time to get used to. 8/10 Blade/Puck Feel: This blade was one of the stiffest on the market when it was released. That was due to Reebok getting a handful of complaints about blades cracking or getting soft too quickly. I love the blade's rigidity, and they definitely stepped up from the last Reebok I owned. The puck feel with this stick is top notch. When I lose the puck, it is due to my lack of skill and never because I can't feel where the puck is on my blade. The only drawback I've had with puck feel is a little trouble catching passes. You have to do all the work as far as cradling the puck, because the blade will maintain it's rigidity in every situation. 9/10 Weight/Balance: This stick is super light. It's one of the lightest sticks Reebok has ever made. The blade is very lightweight as well, keeping the stick well balanced. The time in which I notice the weight of a stick the most is during poke checks or other situations in which I have one hand on the stick, and I've never had better one-handed control than with the 20K. 9/10 Shooting: You'll be firing snappers all day. I'm mainly a wrsiter/snapper guy, so the low kick worked great for me. The stick does require a bit of work to load, but that's just because it flexes so closely to the blade. I don't take many slappers, but my slapshot did improve with this stick. I would mainly recommend this to someone like me who does not tee them up very often and instead opts to take wrist and snap shots. That's really where this stick shines. 9/10 Durability: Abuse it. The paint chips very easily, but does that really matter? he durability has been outstanding and the only issue i'm beginning to have is that the tip of the blade chipped on my last skate with it. Keep in mind that it has been in use for 9 months now, so It's had a very good run without any issues whatsoever. 10/10 Overall: This is the best stick I've ever owned, but I have not owned any top of the line sticks besides this one. I usually go for the price point sticks that are just below top-end performance. My game improved a lot after switching to this stick, and I would recommend it to everyone. Just a really good all-around stick that i'm very happy to have been able to use for so long. 9/10
  6. That's what I was thinking. If they made a cheaper model with the same basic boot design, but used a rigid one-piece outsole that we see on traditional skates, it would really ruin the entire concept.
  7. I'm interested to see what they'll do for lower price point skates in the Mako line. It seems like it would be a difficult process to make a toned down version of this skate. You really go full tilt or not at all. I haven't dug through every one of the 43 pages in this thread, so sorry if I'm repeating someone else's exact thoughts.
  8. 85. Just a crappy pic. Krev, you've got an interesting grip.
  9. Two twigs from the Rivermen leftover sale. Sebastian Wannstrom Reebok 20k's. I tried decoding these to the best of my knowledge, so I basically only know two things about them. 80 bones for the pair though, so I feel like it was a steal.
  10. Peoria Rivermen Sale Saturday June 8th! Crowne Plaza Hotel Parking Lot Springfield, IL 10am-1pm New and Used Gear
  11. That might be one of the prettiest pairs of Bauers I've ever seen. Love that colorway.
  12. I'm just going to wrap all my questions into one. Throughout every aspect of warrior custom franchises, what materials are going to be the most durable? If I'm spending a boatload of money on gloves, I want them to last, and the customizer gives only a few little snippets about what each material offers.
  13. A man that works at Starbucks at my college always gives me and my girlfriend a size larger drink than we order. I don't know why he likes us but my girlfriend seems to think it's because we're an interracial couple haha. Either way I get big drinks and it makes me happy. If only bartenders were as nice as this guy.
  14. Stick: Bauer Vapor X:40 Flex: 77 cut to about 110 (I cut it too short, admittedly) Curve: P88 Kane Player: 5'11" 165lbs pickup games 1-3 times a week Shaft/Flex: The shaft has double concave walls with rounded corners and it feels very comfortable in my hands. The flex was initially very whippy before I cut it down, but now is much stiffer. It feels true to its flex rating, but the shaft seemed to have lost a very considerable amount of pop after maybe two months of use, and those first two months were during a time when I used the stick more often and more competitively than I do now. The stick feels very "noodle-like" if you will. The variable flex point is a bit odd for my taste, but it performs as advertised, with the flex varying on where your hands are. 6/10 Blade/Puck Feel: The blade does a good job of keeping its rigidity in most situations, which helps when taking harder shots like snap and slap shots. The puck feel is very good when stick handling, but the pucks seem to jump of the stick oddly when receiving passes. For the most part, it is a good blade that I can't complain too much about. 8/10 Weight/Balance: I would have to say I was not very impressed with the weight of the stick. Its comes in a 513 grams, and feels like a lot of the weight is in the blade, so it's pretty blade heavy. I would entirely disagree that the stick doesn't weight too much more than a U+ CL. The stick is not extremely heavy, but I would not characterize it as "lightweight" unless I was comparing it to a wood stick. The balance is thrown off by how blade heavy the stick is. The heavier blade does help a bit if your slap shot uses more of a pendulum motion. 6/10 Shooting: Wrist shots with this are really the high point, they absolutely fly off the stick. I was entirely unimpressed with the snap and slap shots with this stick however. My snap shot has suffered since using this stick, lower velocity and not a lot of pop to provide any sort of quick release. My slap shots are noticeably better with my other stick as opposed to this one. My other stick is by no means a good stick, and at the price this was I expected a little bit better shooting performance from it. 7/10 Durability: As far as wear and tear is concerned, this stick has held up fairly well. I've had it for over a year so there are the inevitable chips in the paint and around the heel of the blade, but it hasn't broken after much vigorous use. I have to refer back to my comments on the shaft however because the stick completely loses its pop after two months or so. I count that as a durability issue. Just because the stick hasn't broken, doesn't mean its super durable. The performance has not held up over time. 6/10 Overall: This was an okay stick, but I bought it because I didn't have a lot of money at the time. I got pretty much what I expected, maybe a little less than expected actually. I know wouldn't buy this stick again. It's a decent stick for its price point. I bought it when it retailed for about $100 bucks, and now it goes for about $70 or so. For $70 it's good, but the market right now has much, much better sticks for $100 dollars. I'd recommend either buying a different stick at the same price point, or spending the extra money to get a stick that is a lot more worth while. 6.6/10
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