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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I'm curious to hear thoughts of people who have been playing a while and used both. Torn between purchasing a used elite-level stick for around $100-150 and, a new competitive-level stick for around $150-200. Is a lighter more tech advanced stick with used blade a better choice than a new stick that would be a bit heavier but have a stiff as new blade? Thanks in advance.
  2. I have a hockey wrap around actually, unfortunately I go back and fourth between a pm9 curve and a pro stock stick with a square toe and it just doesn't really fit or feel right on either. I'm not crazy about the tiles or a shooting pad because they're much more expensive than a can of paint, and I don't want to have to move them anytime I want to do something other than shoot pucks.
  3. I'm looking for something to paint onto my concrete garage floor to make it smoother and less abrasive on the stick blade while shooting pucks. Just basic concrete flooring right now, so pretty smooth but still rough enough to start eating into carbon fiber after a couple hundred shots. Anyone have suggestions? Thanks.
  4. Apparently, Bertuzzi and Josi were both using it during the All-Star weekend: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/best-hidden-secret-2020-nhl-all-star-weekend-andrej-dula/
  5. I have skates one season on BEVO abec 9 bearings (these) and they're slow as molasses. They won't hold a hand spin for more then 15-20 seconds at best. They're not a serviceable model so i'm not sure what I can do in terms of lubrication to make them better. I'm looking to get a new set but not break the bank, maybe $60-80. I've heard conflicting arguments on how much ABEC/Swiss rating makes a difference, and it seems as though the manufacturer of the bearing may make a bigger difference in their performance. I've been considering Bones super reds, Sonic swiss, Revision ABEC 9, and HELO Quark bearings. Any suggestions on what's the best for the price point?
  6. Pro stock x7.0, sprung frames and 72mm Labeda Addiction wheels. I thought the frame was mounted too far forward at first, but skating in them feels natural. After one season, and first of inline in a while, i'm thinking about replacing the bearings from Bevo abec 9 to something something swiss or a different manufacturer (not necessarily the thread for it but open to suggestions)
  7. About 6 months ago I stumbled across the best stick tape option I've ever felt: Era Lacrosse Anaconda grip. https://eralacrosse.com/collections/anaconda-grips Let's you tape the knob you want then wrap it in the rubber. The black is more of a dense gasket type rubber, which has left my palms a bit black but nowhere near the stiffness/smell/residue of regular tape. The red and green are much more silicone-y if that makes sense(?) but that one hasn't even left coloring - literally no wear to speak of. They're expensive compared to tape obviously but they'll last the life of the stick, cannot recommend enough!
  8. If anyone is looking for step steel or the Mako 2 insoles: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Easton-Mako-Step-Steel-272-And-Footbeds-8/264042654064?hash=item3d7a2b2970:g:IAkAAOSwqxdb7f9f
  9. These are probably my favorite gloves of all time, the "white dip" fingers are just perfect...
  10. I've heard for a while now that many NHL players install larger holders on their skates than standard "retail" size holders. I've been looking through the inter-webs for a little while and haven't been able to come up with an explanation as to why that is. Other than the obvious explanation of "they're pro's, they do what they want" does anyone know of any benefits of doing this? Be it from personal experience or second hand, measured results or not i'm all ears. Thanks! On a side note, the only reason I ask is because i'm thinking of swapping out my current holders.
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