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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Number 75

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About Number 75

  • Birthday 05/26/1992

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    Pittsburgh PA
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  1. Don't go for the Stagestar. The rack toms are really small (therefore high pitched) and sound like marching tenors. The bass is also rediculously small and is very quiet. The cymbals that come with it are crap too, IMO. My Stagestar: Fender Jass Bass:
  2. Helmet: Bauer 8000. Comfy, but I think it's ugly as hell. Shoulders: Itech something or other. They're okay. Elbows: Bauer 8000. They slip, but I fall rather often, so I deal. Gloves: Easton Air. They're the ones with the wrist wrap. This is my 3rd year rockin' them, and I'm having a hard time finding new ones I'm happy with. Pants: Itechs with a huge rip all the way down the side, so Bauer shell over them. Shins: Bauer 8000. I've blocked some beastly shots and never felt a thing. Skates: Graf 705 w/ LS2's. Thought I woulden't like the lower cut boot, but I've been in heaven. Stick: Vapor XX, Mission L-2
  3. Pittsburgh Amateur Pens 19U girls travel, and 2 local (PAHL) teams when I'm home.
  4. Hope to replace the kindergarden rollers soon The pink ones were more of a gag than anything. Never really planned to wear them in games, don't worry B) And finally, the jerseys
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