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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by chocks86

  1. That's probably what I'll end up doing. You know, they aren't the worst holders I have ever seen.
  2. I think you are correct. I'm just not sure I have someone that I trust to mount a holder on yet from the two LHS that are nearby, and I would not want to wait to use the skates. The question I have, which has probably already been answered in this almost 100 page thread , is will the drilled holes from the a True holder in the skate match up with a Tuuk LS Edge holder without any modification?
  3. I agree with about the holder, as that is the only thing I dislike about the whole skate. I would be swapping them out with Edge holders as soon as possible.
  4. I like it a lot. I think is looks fantastic and very smooth and understated. Now just have to convince my wife after I just purchased Nexus 9000's back in February.
  5. I think it looks fairly decent, other than the True holder, which you can opt out on. Slap a LS Edge on it and I think it's much better looks wise.
  6. Is there a general release date for the new True Hockey pants? I know all the focus is on the release True Pro Custom Skate on the 15th, which I am very excited for as well, but I have been waiting to get my hands on the pants and see how well they fit with the 2" extension.
  7. I hear you. I have been looking at both the STX Surgeon and the True XC9 for quite a while. Right now my main stick is the Warrior Covert QRL, which I love, but I want to try the other two out so bad.
  8. But what a good stable it is. And you can never really have too many sticks.
  9. Helmet: Easton E600 Visor: Oakley VR903 Pro Shoulder Pads: Bauer Vapor X100 Elbow Pads: Bauer Vapor X80 Gloves: Bauer Vapor X 5.0 Pants: Bauer Vapor X80 Shin Pads: Bauer Vapor X 7.0 Skates: Bauer Nexus 6000 Sticks: Easton Synergy 40 Grip (E3/Lie 5.5/85 Flex) and Bauer Nexus 2000 (P92/Lie 6/85 Flex) Bag: Easton e700 40in.
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