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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. It's not the oldest dark gray synergy but it's old... it was a good stick like two practises, then blade got loose... After then it was ok, but you never knew exactly where my passes went..
  2. Dave... If you cancel your order, hardly ever you recieve anything ;) Behold... the best hockey gloves on the market! Glad to see how Sande focuses on what they are the best at. Though I really love their pants even that they are bit heavy side, but protection and fit are just amazing.
  3. Helmet- yellow ( ;) ) CCM 852 with Oakley straight and black 1052 Pants- Sande MAX980 Shoulder Pads- CCM 652 Elbow- Jofa 8066 Shin Pads- Jofa 8090 Gloves- TPS HGT-C and Sande MaxQ Sticks- Tri-Flex Gold with V120 blade, Synergy RP100, Synthesis with Comp Drury Skates- Z-Air COMP SE and Bauer 6000 With those equipment I feel like a tank. Very good protection but still very mobile ;)
  4. My first set of palms lasted half a season of very heavy use. The second set has lasted over half a season and still are going strong. I think they are just as durable palms as nash palms are...
  5. Here's few that comes to my head... Add Finger Lenght ½" Air Knit Gusset Clarino Gusset Cuff Roll Plastic Custom Colors Embroider Lock Thumb Personalize Glove Screen Plastic Inserts Replacement Clarino Palm S-GLO material Screen Change Team Name on Cuff
  6. Yellow (2255) except for the blue cuff (C563)
  7. Here's few other pictures of a custom gloves that I handled...
  8. Nylon hype wasn't that big at the time. Maybe that is why I ordered them as leather. But now if I had to choose, I'd probably still pick leather.
  9. I can't imagine that I could find a better pair of gloves. Those things must be designed for me or something ;)
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