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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by vinprun71

  1. Mine came with them as well. Yours should've. If not, reach out to Sparx. I'm sure they can help out.
  2. Hope they're chipping in for the wheels. I'm sure you're blowing through them.
  3. New Jersey Devil's EQM dealt with this before. They have some heavy duty equipment to fix this. Considering I'm not sure what you have access to, I'll provide the video anyway.
  4. The ordering system on their site allows you to order one blade if that's what you're looking for. You can also choose the blade finish. Hope this helps.
  5. Works like a charm. If you're considering it, just buy it. You won't be disappointed.
  6. Personally, I've had success with the Bauer Nexus 1000. I've found the level of protection all the way around to be great. I've taken slap shots off the top of the knee. Wrist shots to the back of the calf. While they're a larger pad, they definitely hold up.
  7. If this is the first time sharpening it, make sure you run ten passes per skate. That's the Sparx recommended amount for brand new steel.
  8. When I put mine in for the first time, I agree they felt strange. I almost felt my feet were claustrophobic. After getting on the ice with them and breaking them in a bit, they fit amazing and definitely eat up a ton of negative space. I wouldn't go without them.
  9. Little update here. Got a chance to skate last night after my first Sparx sharpening. I'm not going to comment on the whole 30+ years of experience sharpening vs. the Sparx, as it seems like we've concluded that debate somewhat. What I can say is compared to the cuts I've received for the last two and half years from my LHS, the Sparx was right on par with my previous sharpenings. Edges seemed consistent and felt very reliable. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the machine.
  10. Just got my Sparx sharpener for Christmas. I've cut two pairs of skates at this point. I'll get my first go with the blades in tonight's game. From my little experience with it, I can say that it's very easy to setup. If you follow the instructions step-by-step and take your time, you'll get it setup without any issues. As for the cut quality, visually it all looks great. The steel also deburrs pretty easy. I'll know more on the performance side after tonight and can shed some more light later. So far, I'm quite impressed.
  11. Got my set last week. While I'm not sure I can fully comment on any performance increases, I can say that it has made my skate more comfortable and truly ate up the space left in the toe cap. Even if that's all the benefit I get from my purchase, it was still worth it. I like them.
  12. I got a similar reaction out of the more seasoned players on the team that have been there since the beginning. They'd rather kill it off than continue. Best case scenario we try again in the Spring. Worse case, we don't play together again.
  13. Found myself in this same exact situation recently. Not as many years invested as you, but when you've invested so much time and effort into your team and see it go south for many reasons, it's quite upsetting.
  14. I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering from this. I had a pretty terrible case of lace bite at the end of last year. It wasn't until I switched from Vapor skates to Supreme that the problem started to subside. I had my dermatologist inject cortisone into the problem area as well. That greatly assisted in the healing process. I'd suggest getting a deeper skate to start alongside a bunga pad. Once you've confirmed this is relieving the issue, visit your doctor to have him/her assess your issue. Continue to use the bunga pad until the problem heals. Taking time off greatly assists as well. It's a terrible feeling knowing you have a game coming up and you'll be in pain the whole game. There's hope though. Message me if you need any help. Good luck!
  15. Aside from agreeing with everyone about the toe curve, I'd also like to see a P10. I feel that would appeal to many people as well.
  16. Rumor has it True TC1 is quite like the P08.
  17. I have the same issue on my set of APX skates. I believe my shin guards have been the culprit with my rubbing. I don't see any wear on the tongues, but the shin guards have a little abuse on the rounded edges. If you have longer shins that you wear outside your tongues, especially a model that is a bit wide, this could be your issue as well. Take a peak at the shins for proof.
  18. Skates: Bauer Supreme MX3 Shins: Bauer Nexus 1000 Pants: Bauer Supreme One90 Elbows: Bauer Supreme One95 Gloves: Warrior QR3 Shoulder: WinnWell DZL Classic Frankenpads w/ Bauer Vapor APX shoulder caps and bicep guards Helmet: Bauer 5100 w/ Bauer Profile II (white) Sticks: True A5.2 (TC3 & TC4), CCM RBZ Superfast (P45), CCM Ribcor 40K (P38), Bauer Vapor APX2 (P92), & Bauer Vapor APX (Pro stock P106)
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