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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by saba

  1. Dupes sorry they are brand new from The Sabers, slight hookup on those. Chadd there are some nice Toni Lydman 4 rolls, Iwannagetoff(Max Affeno)TPS, and Reebok leather in all sizes at the store(on sale BTW). PM if you want a contact name up there.
  2. Crappy cell phone sorry Teppo Numminen prostock Warrior Franchise(MIA Canada). Mesh gussets. Class act glad to wear his gear Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  3. Jersey and gloves look good on you though
  4. 8th out of 50 in a road race. This is going in the sweet spot cause frankly only 1 person crashed today about 1/4 mile ahead of me and not into me Note to self doing 78miles+14 of those miles in the local sprint nights and then doing 46 miles on Friday does not lead to having good legs on Saturday
  5. Another weekend another person crashed into me. Damage assessment a very badly bruised left elbow 2 skinned areas on left leg. Bike rear shifter is toast and has to be rebuilt. Shoe covers and 1 pair of Mich team socks gone. Pros kept it upright dammit cause my hands were in the drops like I was coached despite a guy going sideways like a missile into my rear wheel. BMC and Easton wheels are 100 still intact. Was supposed to do a second race today but after watching dudes carted away and looking like they went up Hamburger Hill the wife has cabashed me racing today. Gotta love Cat 5 road bike crit racing. Would be nice to see the actual end of one of my crits Went off the front for 1 lap like I planned and if my shifter was not toast could have given it a go. Probably would not have stuck but I was pleased that I executed what I had planned and intend to do it again
  6. Was in a good position to place in a bike race when some jackass swerves taking vital part of my bike clean off. Dude did not seek me out to apologize for ruining my race or nearly sending flying off my bike LEARN TO RIDE IN A GROUP man
  7. In our sprinting workout gotta love the guy who comes blowing past me after the sprint is over almost pushing me off the course so he can "finish strong" If you ask someone to transport a bike part down the front of their jersey through rush hour traffic, show up late, and then forget the cash? Am I courier service now? Hi welcome to Washington DC: we are super super excited to have you come see our nations bedrock. But please if your going to walk down the bike path or heck even ride on your Barko-lounger bike(which is cool) please take your DAMM headphones off and stop weaving on this tight as path that has commuters who need to escape DC for their nice burban home, with a beautiful wife..you may ask yourself...well how did I get here? Finally Dear Tony Kornheiser: advocating assault with a deadly weapon(see car) against someone on a bike(see defenseless) is dammed cute right? Cause that 10sec out of your life that you have to slow down will have that wifey in bed with the mailman, your dinner cold, and your pick for the final four eliminated. I hope really hope and this might be remorse but the next person who runs some cyclist down, cause you know its going to happen, uses the Ozzy defense that old Kornhole told him too as his defense strategy See this transcript http://groups.google.com/group/mabra-uscf/...e642f9e1b9aa59c
  8. RIP Peter Graves Captain Oveur:You ever been in a cockpit before? Joey: No sir, I've never been up in a plane before. Captain Oveur: You ever seen a grown man naked? Joey, have you ever been in a... in a Turkish prison?
  9. Govt of Arlington changed my court date for Failure to obey a sign which was scheduled for Dec 22 to Feb 13th. Got a notice to suspend my license on the 16th of this month for failure to pay my fine after my trial commences on Feb 1. Um idiots no one told me my court date as changed from Feb 13th to Feb 1, now pay or you take my license away? Govt extortion for $142 I know everyone who moves to Wash DC spooges to move to NOVA, well let me tell you from someone who is 10 years in Northern VIRGINIA SUCKS. Kettler $80 stolen at MSH game, $5 the next week at stick and puck(change from enterance) NO OTHER rink in the metro DC area have I ever had so much as a dollar removed from my wallet
  10. http://s598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/bi...arthMaul003.jpg Stella-Stellina aka SJ wishes Stells a speedy recovery
  11. BTW to the poster a whose dog is also names Stells 1. Awesome name 2. Hope your pup is able to overcome the cancer 3. I think you mean Squamous Cell CA I can ramble with the best of them. The point of my rant is this girl did nothing to help her ailing dog/companion and her inaction made a bad problem worse. She is now to fickle to rescue a dog correctly
  12. Alright I will play this game My ex after our breakup many moons ago got a dog Poncho upon moving to upstate New York. I got to meet Poncho ak MR P on several occasions on my sojourns up there very cool dog. Poncho was the coolest dog really agreeable and came to life when you hit the trail or any outdoor time. About a year ago Poncho was diagnosed with cancer of the Thyroid. Excisions of the troubled spot was recommended by the vet. My ex who grows crazier by the year decided that traditional veterinary care was not good for Poncho. Instead she hires at $150 per call a dog talker who calls on the phone and talks positive thoughts to the god as a form of cure. I begged over several months for this girl to take Poncho to a proper vet for allopathic treatment. Mr P died cachexic and unable to ambulate for the last months of his life. My fiancee gets a call about a month ago(its a Euro girl thing that the current girl has to be decent to the ex), besides she was friends with this girl before I came along, explaining that her current beau and she were going to adopt a rescue dog. (Cause you know guys like me who only get bred dogs are dastardly and evil when there are so many needing dogs in the world and breeders are evil people who are only out to make money blah, blah, blah...) and that this was the perfect dog to replace Poncho. "He has the spirit of Poncho in his eyes!" Phone rings a few nights ago, I am always meant to be in earshot of these proceedings, so I take a break lean in from the office and was like "KHA(her nickname) how is the new dog?" Stella-Jane(my full bred Aussie btw) is looking forward to coming to the Placid this Spring for some riding and doggie debauchery" Her response was Tony(the new guy) just did not gel with the rescue dog so we took him back..... Stella-Jane and I our passports and currency for the five years+we are going to be living in Tunisia to avoid extradition back to the US. I kid of course but it was hard enough watching this person who used to be in my life basically allow her pet to die, but to hear that she is trespassing on decency is getting a bit too much to take
  13. Helmets: NBH 8500, Mission Intake Visors: NBH Oval Cage, Oakley 2.0 Gloves: Eagle PPF Elbows: JOFA/RBK 8090 Shins: RBK 6K Shoulders: Ferrell 5100 Pants: NBH Shell, XXXX Girdle Skates: NBH One95
  14. Sittin in the back seat over the weekend, girl driving said "we killed Michael Jackson." I said " So let me get this straight we are comparing MJ to Jesus Christ now?" In my head I was the guy on the date in that Heineken commercial. Ya know the one where she(looks like Kate from I got 8 kids that came out my VJJ look at me) is on the phone and pours his Heiny in her glass and he gestures to the waiter Forever My Love
  15. True hero of mine but BB King suprises me year after year he walks the earth. Oh Lucille!
  16. Watch the dolphins when they start to split I am out of here, damm those Vogons
  17. Nothing great just back checking http://s598.photobucket.com/albums/tt64/biplrsaba
  18. A happy camper is the Rédacteur en chef nice gloves man
  19. Dudley Moore would be proud of his failed advertising campaign "Boxy but we are safe as hell" let see who gets that reference?
  20. I am thinking of pickin up a pickup just for hitting the trail cause I am hearing some killer deals are out there in the DC area for pickups. I am not a 2 car kinda of guy but this might just be the time. Besides there is always something to haul
  21. The A3 has been nothing short of impressive. I was in a Jeep Liberty before and really wanted to get the best of all worlds. Some sports car, something that would allow me to get to the trailhead, economical, and would fit the family(includes the aussie). Handles real well a real joy to drive, excellent gas mileage, and is very versatile. Has not caused any limitations in any task that has been asked. Plenty of room. My only con and this is nitpicking is start from the block. There is turbo-lag, so your not going to beat that neighborhs 5 series from the light, but when that Turbo kicks in look out. I suggest you look into this sight if your serious and like me do my research before buying http://forums.audiworld.com/a3/pages/1.phtml I am hearing great things about the S3 but will drive this girl into the ground before upgrading. I have to have my hockey equipment and road bike drivetrain/ wheels as the latest and greatest but not the newest car...just me http://forums.audiworld.com/a3/pages/1.phtml Very satisfied return to German
  22. Responses could be better on their part and a real time status would be ideal but I have had nothing short of great service on the 3 pairs of gloves over the years I have sent them Fyi when I sent them Warriors I was told by FBM per Eagle that the newer eagle palms were available for Eagle gloves only:microvent or mustang were my eventual choices
  23. I got the call Goat was $80 microvent with mesh gussets was $80 so I went Micro. Very happy with the work, just wanted to try that MSH2, maybe on my next pair of Eagles
  24. I just sent some warriors to them last week asking for MSH2. Guy called me last Friday telling me to pick another palm cause Eagle called and they want that palm on Eagle gloves only. Give em a call if you don't believe me
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