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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toby last won the day on December 26 2019

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  1. I emailed True last year about this and got this as a reply. "The intermediate is extremely close to the same dimensions as the senior stick. The difference is less than a millimeter so no one can really tell a difference in their hands." So as others have said, yeah it's pretty much the same as a senior.
  2. The price is actually cheaper purchasing from the UK. Also if anything goes wrong I'm sure it would be easier to sort out closer to home. The only positive you would get going to Westside Skate is the fitters greater experience.
  3. bumping this thread as i would like to know the answer to this also. i'm not sure if it was on here but a while ago i'm sure i remember somebody representing bauer saying that the holes would line up for an easy switch if only going up one holder size, was there any truth to this?
  4. I was thinking this was probably the case but i think the use of the word "still" threw me. However I'd still like to know when the new curves will be available.
  5. I'm guessing this means the stick has been tweaked slightly for 2016 with more graphene than the 2015 model and are you not just referring to the extra flexes/curves which seem to be listed now in the catalogue. Either way when are these due to release?
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