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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by donkey87

  1. Yes the Synergy II is the new Synthesis. I believe that the biggest difference is that the shaft is smaller in diameter. The shaft feels like an SL. It obviously also has a new paint job.
  2. I believe that the reason for the differences in curves listed on Mission's website and in the catalog, is due to new curves being added for 2006. I don't believe that Mission has updated their website yet. As for your question about buying a L2 verses a Synthesis. The int. L2 uses a Jr/Int. blade, I've found that they are about the same size as a tapered Easton blade. It also depends on what curve you are getting, because the Hatcher is a shorted blade. I would say that it comes down to PP.
  3. I believe that theRobitaille is the closest curve.
  4. Skates: Vector 7.5 Shins: RBK 5k Pants: Bauer Flak 10 Shoulders: an old Itech pair Elbows: Bauer 1000 Gloves: nylon Vapor XX Helmet: Bauer 4000 Visor: Itech Sticks: TPS XN10, Sherwood 9950
  5. Easton has a pink glove, and I believe that you can order pink from MIA.
  6. If you wanted more forward pitch, you could always put heel lifts on your skates. That way you wouldn't have to buy a new set of holders.
  7. Like the split fingers on those gloves. Those Camo gloves look awesome.
  8. If your looking for a cheap composite stick with a Jagr curve take a look at this - Jagr Stick
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