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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

The Stranger

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Everything posted by The Stranger

  1. Depth is 3/8" and the blade is long. Side-by-side with almost anything else it will look straight.
  2. Kariya profile: Kariya curve:
  3. Ebay. I had been watching the seller for a long time list one or two at a time, so I finally emailed and confirmed my suspicion that there were more than what was listed.
  4. Check out Sera Cahoone; different, but you still might like her.
  5. z-waxx Easton "big wheel" inline chassis
  6. You looking to add to your collection? I hate one piece fingers so these have been kicking around my place forever.
  7. Youtube that Law Goalie. There are a bunch of videos and no hockey action, all crowd shots lol.
  8. I would be all over that Straka if it was a righty.
  9. That would be nothing short of awesome. I would love to know where to get the sumo jersey.
  10. Sponsorship, Mike Illitch, owner of the Red Wings, owns Little Ceasars.
  11. Good deal, that was their top of the line glove a few years ago. Sweet little custom embroidery too.
  12. probably my fav shaft ever. wish they had more than one left My bad. I grabbed the other 4 for Mack. Also snagged A/G 7100's. No joke, I have had dreams about finding a stash like that. I have two griplites left that I am too afraid to use.
  13. Something wrong with NBH helmets? ;)
  14. A guy in my old dorm had a picture of Tegan and Sara hanging out in his room. I didn't realize who they were until a couple years latter. I heard The Ettes for the first time yesterday. Don't know much about them, but they are growing on me.
  15. The more I see the U+, the more I like them. Probably won't fit though, even with the added volume.
  16. Diggin the th 130 gear. I am going to have to give the gloves and elbows a look.
  17. college club, ACHA Excellent pics, and all three teams uniforms look very sharp. Most of the teams out here (the northwest) are kinda lame.
  18. ^Yes, I think you are. Personally, I would go with the black e-pro.
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