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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Jeff Rumson

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About Jeff Rumson

  • Birthday March 9


  • Skates
    CCM AS1 customs
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer 1x lite
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer 1x
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer 1 s
  • Pants
    CCM tacks
  • Helmet
    Bauer 9500s
  • Gloves
    Bauer MX3
  • Stick
    CCM AS1 tacks - CCM ribcore - Bauer 1X lite

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  • Interests
    Hockey - weight training - cardio spin bike training
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  1. I chose {stock } lol because i like my skates stiff . I chose extra stiff . also I wanted the grip liner . I did a color option , red white and blue trim .
  2. I just did a Bauer Hyperlite skate custom order . the stock ones i tried on felt amazing . Has anyone had a chance to skate with the Hyperlites yet ? did you buy stock ? or did you do customs ? If you did customs , what options did you select ? I stayed with the injected facings . chose the stiff option . I stayed with the aero lite foam tongue . I did red and blue trim for color .
  3. I'm hearing that the new Bauer Pulse Ti steel is as good as Step Steel . ?? Anyone ?
  4. Just wondering if anyone has tried on the new Bauer Ultrasonic skates . Or maybe even skated with them . What did you think ?
  5. Yes correct , the 2x pro shin pads no longer have the flexible piece on the bottom . Therefore , my son and I have purchased 6 pairs of the 1x shin pads . We both only play pick up hockey , however I think the 1x shin pads are a great combination of lite , protective , slender shape . Because I wear my shin pads a little on the longer side and over the tongue , the flexible piece on the bottom of the pad works great .
  6. They do send sample foot lasts to the retailers , I have seen those they are a very lite weight foam . So I wouldn’t think they would be concerned about people seeing the foot last and thinking that would give away the actual process . But also like I had stated there is no evidence when looking at the skates that they went through any type of molding at all . When you buy a pair of off the shelf skates and heat mold them to your foot just once you can see where they take some sort of shape. The facings will have a fold over appearance . The interior foams will have some indentation where your ankle bones line up . Etc.... No I don’t need to see their process . I’m just saying there is no sign of any molding performed to the skates . Yes the skates I had custom made last year fit well . I had heat molding them a few times . But isn’t it kind of a big claim for CCM to makes if there is actually no said molding process being performed ?? you can see evidence when a skate has been heat molded to a persons foot , and I’ve seen none in three separate cases just saying
  7. They do send sample foot lasts to the retailers , I have seen those they are a very lite weight foam . So I wouldn’t think they would be concerned about people seeing the foot last and thinking that would give away the actual process . But also like I had stated there is no evidence when looking at the skates that they went through any type of molding at all . When you buy a pair of off the shelf skates and heat mold them to your foot just once you can see where they take some sort of shape. The facings will have a fold over appearance . The interior foams will have some indentation where your ankle bones line up . Etc....
  8. I just received my total custom plus skates from CCM . This is my second year in a row getting custom CCM skates both are AS1s . One of the options I chose was lace locks . The skates arrived with out the locks . CCM has offer a free stick of my choice or to remake the skates . I am Choosing to have them do a remake . On my first customs last year I had doubts that the high pressure high heat 360 degree mold that they state they perform actually gets done . The skates did not have any signs of any type of molding process at all . No folds , curves or any type of indentations at all . No big deal I molded them a few times and they are the best fitting skates I’ve ever had . How ever I was still curious . I saw some videos on line talking about CCM custom skates but when they mention the special high pressure mold process witch is done with the custom foot lasts of your feet that they supposedly make , they says it’s a secret and they can’t show us the process . So , on my most recent customs I had the sales associate , who is also my son make a note in the comments section on the I pad requesting the foot lasts to be shipped with the skates . Well they did not send the foot lasts and again there was absolutely no sign of any mold performed what so ever . I love CCM products and have no particular issue with CCM , but isn’t this a big claim to make , to have this highly secretive elaborate process that doesn’t really appear to happen ??? PS my son also last Year did the lower level custom AS1s where that’s all they do is take a stock skate and perform the high pressure mold and charge a $100 on top of base price . Same thing when he got the skates they looked no different than one off the shelf . Any thoughts or comments . Anyone have the same or different experience ?
  9. My two cents . I think a hockey skate should be very stiff . I wouldn't think you would want the boot its self to have any flex . Yes you want to have a degree of forward flex . I believe to much restriction of forward flex would be determined by the height of the boot , thickness and stifness of the toung , or over tightening of the top couple of eyelets . when you create forward flex while in stride the boot its self is not bending . Now all that being said , I believe the most important thing with skates is proper fit . Sounds like an obvious statement correct ? Well heres how I would define proper fit . When placing your foot inside the boot you want all negative space removed with as evenly dispersed light pressure as possible . In addition to having a heat moldable boot closely formed to your foot there needs to be a certain thickness of foam with just the right density to fill in the voids in and around you ankle and heel area . the exact needs to achieve this will obviously vary from foot to foot . Some will be able to do this with off the shelve skates and others will need customization . unfortunately with off the shelve skates manufactures sacrifice the thickness of foam and focus to much on lightening the skate . when you remove all negative space with evenly dispersed pressure you'll just need light pressure on the laces to snug things up . this will create the best stability between your feet and the skates allowing you to have the best chance of proper balance and biomechanics . If you have negative space in the skate boot this will cause you to over tighten causing too much restriction , and will throw balance and proper stability off . It will also cause pain , blisters ect... I'm no expert but any thoughts ? anyone agree or disagree ?
  10. Just wondering , have you skated with the remakes ? How are they ? Also does anyone know what the difference in thicknesses are on the donut pad options between 1 2 and 3 i'm about to do a total custom ccm i know i want the donut pads , I'm leaning towards the thickest option just not sure if it will be the right decision . i do have very boney ankle and heel sculptures . The foam pads in off the shelf skates are just not thick enough to fill the negative space below and around the balls of my ankles and achilles area , so I'm thinking the donut pad construction should solve this issue ?
  12. I’ve read some post from people who have purchased total custom skates -CCM- I also did a full build AS1s last summer - and I had some of the experiences-the CCM scan listed me a full size larger than I skate with so the store had to input my size manually which raises some questions - even though you can choose 1/4 sizes the scan will not state anyone a 1/4 size - so if the purpose of the scan is to peg your precise size and foot shape so they can build an exact model of your foot ??? Are they actually marking a foot model / last - or is it just marketing ? Also when I got my skates They did not look like they had been pressure molded - the skates did not have any indentations that looked like my foot and I have a very bony pronounced anatomically shape to my feet also high arches and the bottom of my skates were flat - I wonder if when going through the build process if on the iPod where it asks to makes any special notes if you could request for them to ship the foot lasts with the skates ? Some one on here said they got FT1s with donut pads but they did not line up with the balls of his ankle bones ? So I would think if they pressure molded his skates and the last was not lining up there should be huge evidence of that when looking at the ankle foam ?
  13. Nicholas , did you go with thicker tongue ? Stiffer boot ?
  14. Nicholas , do feel you get a good evenly dispersed lock in with no heel slip without needing to aggressively tighten the skates ?
  15. Hey Nicholas , thanks for sharing that info and the pics . I saw a sample model ft2 with the donut pads but I didn’t know there were three increments of thicknesses . My son works for pure hockey and they don’t have a detailed list of options unless they actually scan someone’s foot with the iPad then it brings you through the list as you go through the build process . Last summer I did a custom build AS1s they had the option of donut pads but there were no samples or pics to view so I went with stock foam . They are definitely the best skates I’ve had but I’m always looking for improved fit so I think I’m going to to another full custom with FT2s . I’ll probably go with the mid level thickness donut pads and the clarino liner . I have a bony shape ankle and heel so the thicket donut shaped pads should fill in the hollows around the balks of my ankles and hopefully remove all negative space .
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