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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Miller55

  1. 42 minutes ago, caseyjones said:

    That’s what I was thinking as well with it being centered. Considering the rocker of the marsblade, id imagine it would throw you off if it’s not. It’s funny, those pics of the pavel barber mounts are what made me think I can rock the smalls. Figured If he can skate on them, then who the hell am I? Lol. 
    I just knew the 80/76 wouldn’t work for me bc I’ve hated it in the past. The small frame might sacrifice a little bit of speed and perhaps performance, but I like it bc it mimics my ice blade more and transitions are pretty seamless for me this way. Ideally, in a size 7 boot I’d prob prefer a 76/72 set up. It’s kind of dumb that roller skates are made more in terms of a one size fits all type of approach, but I guess it’s not cost conscience for them to make so many sizes. 

    You can just use smaller wheels... Don't need to size down the frame. IDK, my two cents

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  2. 21 hours ago, JSchultz said:

    They were confirmed to be a prototype. Bummer. I imagine that design would save on weight. 


    Mine are still working great. I have nothing to report, even skating on them 4 times a week

    Nice. I have one teammate here who uses them. He went down one wheel size (ie 80-76, 76-72) on mediums and he says they are super tight turning and lighter and he doesn't miss the speed much. Our rink is fairly small though, so I can get why he'd give up the speed for quickness

  3. 20 minutes ago, the_game said:

    Those look similar to what Schiavo was using a few summers ago if I remember correctly.

    Are you saying those were a prototype? Look interesting, not sure about durability.

    Honestly, I have not even gotten around to mounting the R1s yet haha. Was planning on having JR do it but the shop is closed, and I still haven't gotten boots for them either. Anybody have any updates on them? I'm still on sprungs and don't feel like I'm missing anything, so it's more about curiosity for me

  4. Probably cost. I can't say that it is definitely pinpointed to the Inno-Warrior move, as I definitely bought TPS sticks after the Warrior buyout and the TPS came with wooden end plugs. Anyway, I agree with you about feel, I usually need an extension and I always use a wooden one and cut it down. I have a teammate that actually puts in a wooden plug and then cuts it down flush with the top of the shaft, just leaving the tenon in. Claims it helps feel the puck better. Idk, but hockey players are definitely weird

  5. 2 hours ago, BenBreeg said:

    Well, it makes it less valuable to the consumer, and really to True, if people can't take advantage of it because of it's limited duration.

    I think he was referring to what I said about it being the same offer as CCM. Agreed though, the value of the True skate lies in is price. A nice return policy is great, but this is a very short window. Gives someone a bit of extra value, but with a lot of states closing play into January, it kinda offsets this value. If someone were really concerned about not liking their skates and needing to return them, CCM is still the best option. So yes, it's still a good offer, but not such a good offer

  6. 4 hours ago, SkateWorksPNW said:

    Having the ability to slow the game down in person's mind is an amazing skill that I think many people tend to overlook. The best players in hockey have had the ability to do this, break down the play, slow things down in their minds, and even generate time and space to create new opportunities. I think in Europe they are better at teaching these skills than in the USA.

    I would definitely agree. Having a coach who explained this to my father and they helped me with this, changed everything in sports for me, but nothing more than hockey. Changed my baseball swing, basketball and football, even swimming, but since hockey tends to be much faster paced and less time stoppage, it's so much more important in hockey.

    One if the main ways I was helped with this in hockey was through 3 on 3 drills. They were so hectic and confusing at first, nobody knew where to be, but it really trained us to look for opportunities and use our creativity, create space, keep track of everything and learn how to make plays. We just practiced these and other drills so much that it became automatic, and it really helped slow things down for me in actually game situations. My .02

  7. Lot of really good points made in this thread. To me, this sounds like a lot of nerves and internal stuff. Probably a lot of pressure to perform, which creates anxiety, which makes you overthink stuff and essentially the whole game speeds up (mentally) around you and you lose your bearings and have to figure out how to react, rather than just relying on good instincts that are cultivated through practice. The exact details of what is setting off this particular kid, I can't even pretend to know. But the bottom line is that it sounds like at practice when he isn't nervous, he is able to slow the game down and react properly, without feeling out of control. But when it comes to a game, the nerves get to him and he can't find a way to slow down the game in his head, so he is just afraid to touch the puck and to make a mistake etc. Sounds like you just need to figure out how to get the pressure off of him (or better, how to help him realize that everything's alright and he has nothing to worry about) and help him slow the game down, which will help him fall back on his skills and familiarity with game situations from practice. One way to do this is practicing 3-on-3s, where it's really out of control and he will have to learn to focus his mind and get the game under control mentally in order to manage that type of play. Another is to teach him how to breath and calm himself down

  8. On 12/1/2020 at 3:21 PM, shoeshine boy said:

    for those of you who are playing I have a question: is your league sharing with you how many positive cases there are among players?

    So far there haven't been any incidents at our rink. They have been forthcoming with info for anyone who asks, but they basically have a play at your own risk approach. The assumption is that everyone knows what's going on and chooses to play. If anyone has concerns and wants more info, they won't hide anything if there is something that people should know about, but they have definitely placed the onus on players to request info

  9. 4 hours ago, SkateWorksPNW said:

    How do you like the Eagle Aero Pro shoulder pads? How do they fit? 

    I love them, very comfortable and light. Pretty traditional fit I would say, they're not super long do of I played a lot of ice I would probably frankenstein some extra protection and maybe different shoulder caps as I had my left shoulder labrum repair about 10 years ago, but they're awesome for my purposes.

  10. 1 hour ago, boo10 said:

    Surprisingly, I don't mind the look of them.  I think I'd actually like the look if the white striping was removed.  People seem to really hate the large CCM logo that started with the AS3 line, but I don't mind it.  I'm actually surprised that I don't hate it, because I thought the original APX was the ugliest skate I had ever seen when it was released.

    Techmesh was in a class of its own. Not sure why, but I hated that material.

  11. 10 hours ago, Giltis said:

    If say, I want to get a 2 piece today mostly for coaching and messing around, what would you guys suggest for me?

    Your only real option is the True ax9 shaft or cut down an old ops. A standard shaft is good as it's pretty hard to come by tapered blades these days. I'd say that your options with the True shaft are either the True composite blade or a woodie if you're into that. Comp has better pop, wood has better feel. 


    58 minutes ago, 215BroadStBullies610 said:

    Yea, I liked the shaft and the feel of the puck when I used them. I'd be all for an updated 2-Piece setup for inline as a rarely take slap shots.

    Agreed. I went back to it recently after many years with comp ops. Mostly because I dug out a bunch of old shafts at the start of covid shutdown and threw in abs blades to play outdoor roller. I looked the feel so I just threw in the wood blades I had when rinks reopened and I'm loving them. I never take slappers and I haven't found the slight loss of speed on my wrister to matter, but the feel and passing are amazing. I play d and carry the puck a lot, so I'm definitely enjoying it. 

  12. 6 hours ago, BenBreeg said:

    Mmm, maybe I will grab FT3s when they go on sale.  I liked my Ribcores at first coming from old skates because they were comfortable but longer term the heel is too loose and the forefoot too snug.  Also, not enough volume in the instep.

    FT2s. They skipped FT3 on order to keep up with the FT4 stick release. 

    Honestly, I think they look sick, but I would never wear them because that kind of flashy doesn't appeal to me. But I kinda like the look. If I would wear them I'd probably try to paint them black though

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