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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About ronnychencharik

  • Birthday 03/18/1987


  • Skates
  • Hockey Bag
    JCC team bag
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
    Old School Coopers
  • Pants
    Mission or Protex
  • Helmet
    4000 w/ modified pro Oakley, 4000 w/ White 480, Itech HC100
  • Gloves
    Harrow Torch, Velocity x-tremes, CCM 852, Eagle X70
  • Stick
    3x Ultra Lites, 2x one90's, 2x dolomites, random other stuff

Profile Information

  • Interests
    hockey, golf, hunting splittails
  • Location
    Jackson, MI
  • Gender

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
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  1. Caught a puck on the inside of my wrist during my game. I saved a goal, but it will be a big bruise methinks.
  2. Good times in the locker room after the game, nothing beats it.
  3. Detroit Hitmen, made the team at a tryout camp in Kalamazoo(?) I think.
  4. Friend of mine is playing in that league too. I dont know if he is going to be playing that much.
  5. Your really shouldnt watch porn on your laptop when taking photos of your gloves lol ;) not porn, was watching dexter on my laptop while coloring the gloves. Yes. I've been watching this show for... 4 days now.
  6. I'm going to use that, thanks.
  7. How did you secure those? I like how that looks.
  8. My buddy's wedding reception is tonight, awesome. Free rides home, even better.
  9. R flex, drury clone. Theres a couple of paint chips but the blade is still solid. Did I mention I got that for free?
  10. Been a while since an update Helmets- Bauer 4000 (black w/ Oakley pro modified) Bauer 4000 (white w/ white 480) skates- X:40 elbows- NBH one90 shins- NBH one90 gloves- Eagle x70, Harrow Torch (highly recommended), CCM 852 shoulder- old school Coopers sticks-warrior dolo 2 w/ kovalev Mission Hex-1 prostock shaft w/ AK27 kovalev Ultra lite w/ AK27 kovalev x2 Converted one90 OPS all 85 flex and tons of other drury and sakic blades
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