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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by hyprlte

  1. tounge on the new 9k, looks like the one90 tounge.. its like the one90 tounge, but IMO is stronger. Theres a hard piece of plastic inside so there was no lace bite.
  2. update skates - NBH one90s & rbk 9ks helmet - mission intake w oakley visor pants - tackla pro stock buffalo sabres gloves - nbh 4 roll buffalo pro shins - rbk 9k elbows - nike v 12 sticks - nbh one90 x 2 and a bunch of my custom warriors plus i have some nbh one90 tapered shafts on the way for me to try
  3. i got 2 of them p92 102 flex
  4. just get these today in the mail http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b139/hyprlte/IMG00031.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b139/hyprlte/IMG00030.jpg
  5. they dont look like they would be able to withstand a hard hit.
  6. isnt it inasne how stiff the boots are? I saw a few at just hockey in toronto, and the boots felt like they were made with cement!
  7. How do you like the new strap system on the 9K's? Love your MIA gloves as well. the strap system is working quite well for me, even better than the 2 straps, which i was used to. Do you still use tape over your socks with the strap? nope, then again i have never used tape. But they feel more secure than my old pads
  8. How do you like the new strap system on the 9K's? Love your MIA gloves as well. the strap system is working quite well for me, even better than the 2 straps, which i was used to.
  9. thanks, yea i love minnys colors... i have used the 9k shins once and i could not believe how good they are, i used to have bauer 5000 shins but these are not comparable IMO, then again i have never used any jofa padding before so it could be similar to the 8k ect..
  10. finally got my digital camera so here are some pics sticks http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b139/hyp...nt=SSL20110.jpg skates http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b139/hyp...nt=SSL20109.jpg helmet http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b139/hyp...nt=SSL20108.jpg pants http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b139/hyp...nt=SSL20107.jpg NEW 9K SHINS http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b139/hyp...nt=SSL20106.jpg gloves http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b139/hyp...nt=SSL20104.jpg
  11. the leafs already had 2, 1 at centre sports at the acc, then 2 with the marlies (with everything that didnt sell at the acc)
  12. helmet - bauer 5000 visor - itech x100 dlx shoulders - Cooper NHL elbows - Nike V12 gloves - Eagle x70's pants - Reebok 8k Shin - Bauer 5000 Skates - Graf G3 Sticks - Easton Stealth, Easton SL, Easton Synergy, Bauer Vapor xx
  13. you can get custom grafs from your lhs.. i spoke to the graf canada rep and he said that its 100 for customization and they will do whatever you want colors, patterns whatever
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