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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. A fast, stick-handling machine, who can score... Set up a trip to Hamilton, we'll take that!
  2. Anyone heard anything from Pascal. There had been rumour on the STL board that he was invited to the Rookie/Development Camp, but I don't think that happened. Any AHL destination/tryout for him?
  3. So do I...luckily (for you) I'm not in the market right now. ;)
  4. I like that rink set up...clear board right to the "ice" level. Is that common for roller...? Never seen it before.
  5. I know Projoy has a tux jersey, and didn't Mission do one? Or was that for a specific team a member here was on? http://projoy.com/sublimated_stock.html#top
  6. There's just myself and one other girl here that don't wear cages, the other girls do. From what I've heard isn't it mandatory in most leagues around where you are for women to wear cages and neck guards? Not sure that I've seen every woman wearing a neck guard...but I KNOW I've never seen a visor/cageless woman. So, you may be right.
  7. sabby: I've never seen any of the girls around here play without a cage (at any age group). Is it common where you are?
  8. If anyone is going to see any of this....Drop me a PM and let me know how all those Hamilton/Montreal players look as well.
  9. Ya know...just because someone posts a picture of their gloves...it doesn't mean you have to offer to buy them. They aren't abused dogs looking for new homes.
  10. starsfan...those 4Rolls are NICE! Are they Pro from the ASG, or just the color scheme.
  11. lol Like JR said, its a JOFA helmet sold as RBK from now on in Europe. If someone wants it, I might be selling it soon...im also looking for a large 9500 or a Easton helmet, size large! :) I wondered if you might have gotten it from a European team or something. Cool looking lid.
  12. I had a good idea of what it was...but, was curious if he bought it from a Euro team site, or ebay...if it is logoed with a team on the side...
  13. Dupes...what's the story on that bucket....? You know "my new helmet" and a pic isn't going to satisfy MSH gear whores.
  14. Sharpening your own skates at home...that's not "Show It Off" that's 'Showing Off'...*L*
  15. Gene Simmons model?!?!?!?
  16. Don't quote the SAME PICTURE 3 times on one page!
  17. Isn't Doug the one who busted his balls about eating sandwiches on the plane in one of those "life as an NHL rookie" articles? Cool that not only can he pay "homage" to Weight, but he has history in that number as well...that's what he wore in Lewiston.
  18. I think I've said this before...but I feel I may need to reiterate. Dibs on the "Habs" Eastons if you ever decide to sell off the collection.
  19. I'm aware of this issue but drew is worse so it's ok. Plus they're all different in some way so it's all good. pfft. lightweights ;) No need for name calling just because you could stock a small retail outlet out of our basement.*L*
  20. no kidding...apparently he has 9 hands...*L*
  21. There is a "Show it Off" thread in the Goalies section that has some really (REALLY) wild designs. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...l=gear&st=0
  22. english...there were more than a few mornings this past winter when I wished my Rangers was 4x4...probably the only thing I'd do different is spend the extra on 4x4...rear wheel/bad traction sucks!
  23. Make sure you watermark it!
  24. ^^ Nice jerseys. What's the team name?
  25. What brilliant Engineer made THAT decision?
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