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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. I played softball with a guy last year that comes from a long fastball history. He kept saying "I can't hit this damn bloop ball shit" and he'd keep popping them up. After a couple games he started to get the hang of it and CRANKED a ball as far as I've ever seen a ball hit. On a field with no outfield fence, so the poor bastards in the field were still chasing it as he rounded 3rd.
  2. I honor of Mr. Howe's birthday this week...he should get in a fight too *L*
  3. Obrtained from the Stars, and twigs I'm not at liberty to say. For fear of inciting jealousy and possible a riot *L*
  4. Drew, those "Habs" Eastons are NIIIICE!
  5. All stock? Or custom....either way...very nice!
  6. On the tipping thing...quick story. Out after hockey, at a national chain Pizza/Sports bar place. Bills all came. Buddy of mine had enough cash in his pocket for his bill...but owed another guy some cash, so he offered to get his bill as well. He didn't have enough money for both...so he left tip money on the table and went to the bar to pay the bills on CC. When she asked him what amount to ring in...he said "Whatever those 2 bills add up to". She did and he paid it and she kinda threw the receipt across the bar at him and rolled her eyes. He came back to the table...picked up the money and walked out. If I recall the service that night wasn't great to begin with, so what he had left was generous.
  7. Some guys put nicknames on them instead.
  8. I used to think any more than 1 pair of any piece of gear was TOTALLY unnecessary *L*
  9. ...for selling the industrial plastic dye. j/k
  10. Guys...just a reminder...really no need to quote a picture when you are commenting right under it.
  11. tsn.ca...sorry TSN doesn't show David's shot. Try the highligth area of NHL.com
  12. He didn't get a whole lot of ice to prove it in front of the family & friends though...Hoping he goes off on Ottawa Thurs.
  13. I expect RDS to give him TONS of attention throughout the game as well.
  14. Oh, I bet they do *L* The main dinner bill anyways...some guys may have started their own tabs for drinks after dinner...but the main dinner bill will fall on the 3...
  15. ^^^ Jesus, a $39,000 tab for a pro sports team and a $4300/hr prostitute on the front page together. Hmmm....sing it with me. "One of these things is not like the others"
  16. Okay, so David finally gets to play in Montreal Tuesday night. I've been looking froward to this game all year (as I'm sure he and his family have as well). On the ice with his idol...should be a very cool experience for him. I'm hoping he does well (but not too well :P ). 3-2 Habs...but David gets a goal. Now, Ottawa on Thursday...feel free to go to town David. First NHL hattie woud be nice...St. Lou 5-3.
  17. Yup...I tired it with JUST .jpg at the end...with [1].jpg.
  18. Those links still aren't working for me...I've clicked them...I've C&P'ed them...nothing!
  19. SUBTRACT: Grabovski stick. Used 2x.
  20. What the hell...I'll show off the arsenal *L* >> 1. Cheap Easton Carbon 9001 Shaft - PRO P4 Wood blade. Haven't used it in years 2. Salming TF Evolution - #44 curve 3. Synergy - Axelsson. I gotta glue/epoxy the toe...big hack out of it. 4. Royale - Draper 5. 7K - RK10 (Grip) 6. SicKick - Mikhail Grabovski 7. SicKick - Mikhail Grabovski (Grip) ** Brand new...Won't get to use it 'til Sunday night.
  21. Digging the tongue out too! The revolving door of helmets and gloves continues *L*.
  22. I'm sure it crossed his mind...but he's on a Rookie Max 3-year deal. Rarely does a team trade a player that they are trying to build a future around... Now, WHO he'd be playing with may have been more of a thought for him.
  23. Just added: A brand new, never used/cut/taped Mikhail Grabovski RBK 7V* stick and 2 pairs of Montreal EDGE Socks.
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