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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. Wouldn't the DMV (or whatever you guys call it down there) be able to tell you what the hold up is on your plates?
  2. Gonna get your number under it to? :P
  3. Update: RBK 3K shins. Basically the same as my old Jofa's...but they were starting to fall part.
  4. 2 very good reasons not to get one.
  5. I (kinda) feel bad for the first team he plays against...he's gonna be so pissed off and fired up that it has taken this long to get into a game...he's likely to go off on them for 3-4 points.
  6. Do you cut the tongues...or have they just worn that way.
  7. Tongues out I see...maybe of interest to you: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=4397211729
  8. I'd imagine you'll start seeing something like this in stores in St. Lou any day now...
  9. 10 isn't a rookie number, he should stick with what he was assigned for the preseason games. It seems to be working so far, don't mess with it. Earlier today he was listed on the roster with no # next to his name...now it has #57.
  10. Next most important David related question....WHAT NUMBER????
  11. Living the dream for all of us who can't. Good Job!
  12. Incredibly comfortable and very light.
  13. Upon further review...you are correct sir... "duh!" Thanks. You'd be surprised how much better everything fits when it's put together properly. I guess I was like a kid at Christmas...and rushed to put my "new toy" together. [EDIT] MUCH Better!
  14. Itech...not sure what cut it is...Aviator?
  15. I find the fit similar to the Bauer 5000 next to it *L*. Actually, I just got it today...so I haven't even played with it yet. My last 3 helmets have been Bauer (2 5000's and 1 4000) so CCM is uncharted territory for me.
  16. The last player transactions on their site are M. Kariya to Peoria, and Tanabe released from his Try Out contract. That leaves the roster at 26. It's dated today (3:43P). Is it midnight tonight...or tomorrow that final rosters need to be into the League?
  17. My shoulders/elbows and shins aren't anything special...but here is the rest of my stuff:
  18. Update (again!): CCM Vector Helmet (with an Oakley Straight visor)
  19. Anyone have offical word on David yet?
  20. I would have thought he would 9 chances out of 10 he would have a spot on the AHL team if he still is with the main club. Or is he planning on going back to the Q? It's NHL or Jr. AHL is not an option because of his age.
  21. I split that file into 2 MP3's that should be a little more manageable to download: David Perron Int Part 1 David Perron Int Part 2 ktang...thanks for taking the time to record it. It's late I'll listen to the whole thing tomorrow. BTW...what program did you record it with? It's very "hot".
  22. Apparently he's not shying away from contact either...some thought size/physical play could be an issue for him going in. Compared to Karyia?? And taking Big Keith in a 1-on-1 drill...??? Not too shabby.
  23. From what I've read and heard in the last few days...everyone in St. Lou is very impressed with him in preseason. It's just a matter of if they want to burn a year of his contract and that he can play a long season coming off The Q season, plus Mem Cup plus SS. He's been playing hockey almost non stop since this time last year. But, realistically...he's not able to go to the A, and he won't develop anymore in Jr...so the NHL may be the logical step. But...they don't want him playing 6-8 minutes a game...if he's in STL, it's gonna be big minutes.
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