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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I take it, with a XXXX shaft, there will be a XXXX blade launched alongside it, correct? I'd like to try out the DET blade sometime.
  2. Wow. What a fantastic goal. EDIT: AND HE GETS ANOTHER!
  3. RBK's are noticeably deeper and have a wider heel. Good luck though. You'll never know what will fit you.
  4. I'd bump the price up to $300 then. That opens up the 100AG's, which are my current skates -- and are (apparently) better than last years' Fuels (95 XP/AG) and the XXV. If you fit into one of those, you won't fit in the other. What are your current skates?
  5. Now, you sir, have great taste in gloves. :D
  6. I don't know what's worse: those pictures, or De La Hoya's...
  7. I've always liked how G35's looked, and the custom+ you put on them look really good as well. Nice skates!
  8. Scoreboards and the writing/boards always help (here the SCU writing).
  9. Added: Supreme 70 Elbows+Shoulders
  10. ^^ And that's why I like Edge's. Moving to a red team though, I'd have to go with Cavs' gloves.
  11. Those would look so good with my HS team's jerseys. Still like Edge's better :D
  12. If it hasn't been mentioned yet, check out Muse.
  13. The question is, what companies (besides Ballistik) has signed on for this new program?
  14. Update: New skates... Mission 100 AG. Helmet: Mission Intake+Jofa 480 Cage Shins,Elbows: Nike V11's Shoulder Pads: Old Hespler pads (need new ones desperately) Pants: Tackle Air 8000 Skates: Mission 100 AG Gloves: Black/White NBH Supreme70 Stick: PM9 NBH One90 65 Flex, Easton UltraLite 75+Z-Carbon Forsberg (backup) Funny story about the AGs... I spent 2 hours ion the store trying on pretty much every available skate. Vapors turned out to be too wide in the heel, same thing with Vectors. Fuel 110XP's were extremely stiff, and I'm not a very big kid anyways (plus I'm still growing), so by the the time I broke them in I'd be out of the skates. They didn't have Grafs, Eastons, or RBKS in my size, and the AGs ended up fitting best (besides a minor pressure point that was fixed by baking, so I went with them). I think I have the "upside down triangle" foot shape, except my foot's not very wide.
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