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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. had an oakley previously. hockey ninja currently. i'll never buy another 80 dollar visor again.
  2. get your hips checked out. i got 2 jacked up hips from hockey. itll cause pain and tightness in other areas.
  3. i think its time to replace my jofa shinpads
  4. i have an under armour shirt that has this rubbery ridging on the elbow area to help with this. it feels weird wearing it though so i went back to a regular compression fit shirt
  5. rinks here opened on the 13th and ive been 4 times already. actually did a few underground sessions during the lockdown too.
  6. lmao those forwards literally just walking back to the d zone. id start with blaming them, easily could have caught up and taken the possible drop pass away then your defender could have focused solely on the puck carrier
  7. i just saw the specialist today. i have pincer and cam FAI with mild arthritis in one hip and moderate/severe in the other. no surgical options other than hip replacement. they said due to age they want to hold off on hip replacement as long as possible which is fine with me. the pain was never bad. just a minor annoyance. the big issue i had was the lack of mobility which limited my skating ability but it seems nothing can be done about that. maybe i'll regain some of it with PT but doesn't seem promising to me. I don't have to quit hockey. I'm told to just stay active and live normally and probably at some point down the line ill need hip replacement.
  8. im 35. been having hip pain and poor mobility for probably 2 years now. it was really holding me back on the ice. i thought it was due to lack of stretching so i saw some sports therapists and did stretching. saw only minor improvement so i went to the doctor. i dont know the extent of it yet or what the plan is as i havent seen the specialist yet. now i know why older skaters were keeping up with me on the ice. fucking sucks. ill be pissed if my delay of seeing the doctor really screwed me over and ends up causing me to have to quit hockey or require surgery. i start physical therapy next week but need to see specialist to determine if anything else needs to be done.
  9. i would assume since you finished the game and didnt feel immediate pain its not a tear. i jammed my knee before and it didnt hurt immediately but after it swelled up it hurt pretty bad and i couldnt walk on it. went away on its own after awhile but definitely took longer than a week.
  10. you need to work on your stride. you are putting no weight into your edge and thus no power. stand on one leg with deep knee bend and essentially jump onto your other leg and glide. practice getting a feel for that
  11. needs to pick up a pagani zonda. then again after taxes that would probably be his entire yearly pay lol.
  12. im not familiar with these hockey league especially canadian ones. so is he close to getting into the nhl? does he actually have a legitimate shot at it?
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