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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by figgifumi_11

  1. Do you have a picture of the curve? I am getting ready to order on myself, but have only seen the RBK drawing and not an actual photo.
  2. Thanks, I use an Olympus Stylus 710 which is a 7.1 megapixel camera. I take all of my photos on the highest resolution (3072x2304) and then use Photoshop Elements 3.0 to adjust the color balance, contrast, and to make them internet-friendly size.
  3. My newest additions, Synergy 1500C's:
  4. Just added: Skates: Easton Synergy 1500C
  5. Yeah, I absolutely love that shield. The optics are much better than my Itechs and my other Oakley. I was a little apprehensive about going with the tinted visor, but I have been very pleased with it so far.
  6. Here's some of my gear:
  7. Just got a Vapor XXX Lite Pro-stock stick and an Easton Cyclone shaft.
  8. Any info on the 1500 visor? Any guess' about price on the XXX shaft and when it will be available?
  9. Skates: Bauer Supreme 50 w/T-Blades Gloves: Bauer Vapor XXX Stick: Bauer Vapor XXX 77 flex P106 Gagne Helmet: Bauer 5000SE (Grey) Visor: Oakley 2.0 (Grey tinted) Shoulder: Nike V-10 Elbow: Nike V-10 Shin: Nike V-10 Pants: Itech
  10. I used to rock a '99 Electron Blue Pearl Civic Si. God I miss that car :(
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think those are the '05 Salming PG1's.
  12. Has anyone seen the Supreme 70s yet? I know they are not being released until June, but I was curious to see if anyone got a prototype pair. Aside from weight and quarter material, they seem to be fairly similar to the One90. Unfortuanetly my LHS will not be stocking them, so I will have to order them from Great Skate or Epuck and hope they are sized like the XXX's.
  13. Rubo, I appreciate the offer and might take you up on it after I get fitted tomorrow. I certainly like the looks of the XXs better. :(
  14. So basically the Shifts are a better deal and you are paying for the name with the XXs. I am glad to hear that they both fit relatively the same. Any opionions on the durability of the Shifts? I play center/right wing and am generally not very rough on my skates.
  15. Well this is my first post here, so a friendly 'hello' to all. I am planning to purchase a new pair of skates in the next few weeks and would greatly appreciate any opinions you may have. In the past I have skated with an older pair of Bauer Supreme 1000s, CCM 752 Tacks, and most recently Mission Flyweights with a set of T-Blades. I am most interested in either the Bauer Vapor Shift's or the Vapor XX. I did a search, but found very limited info on the Shift's. It is my understanding that the Shift's and the XXX's share a similar boot, tongue, and hydrophobic liner; as well as the LS2. And that the XXs have the perforated runners and a full carbon outsole. So my question is why are the XXs more expensive than the Shifts? It would seem that on papaer at least, the Shifts are a better deal. Is there any noticable difference in weight between the two? I would love to hear from anyone who shas skated with a pair of the Shifts before. I know that it all comes down to fit, but my LHS does not stock the Shifts, just the XX and the XXX. I will be skating in them 3-5 times a week in rec leagues, pick-up games, and then eventually for a college club team (hopefully). Thanks in advance for any insight you may have!
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