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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by LoXish

  1. Beat me to it, Koiv... bastid.
  2. He didn't play tonight. I'm sure we'll see him once or twice in the preseason but it wasn't tonight.
  3. Such grace in that last image. I'm going down to Savvis today when I get off work to sit in on camp. Should be fun.
  4. Yeah, this is exciting. Expect him to be given the normal 9 game tryout at the beginning of the season before (more than likely) being pushed back down to the Q... it's a great opportunity for David but beyond that we can now have a MSH meet up in STL... yes, that'd be a blast.
  5. Works fine for me. It's a media player stream.
  6. David sat down (as did many Blues prospects) while at the development camp in St. Louis last month for an interview. It's been posted and can be found here: http://blues.nhl.com/multimedia/future_notes.htm Haven't had a chance to watch it myself, I'm at work... but I will later.
  7. http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php?post_id=9170 Blues are apparently close to inking a deal with David. Kovy... can you confirm?
  8. And do they have any other siblings? Such as that M-A Perron that played Goalie in the bout de souffle tourney?
  9. Yeah. And we've got brand rights. Wooo. Which one's older? Pascal or David? I thought Pascal was... is that right?
  10. A-HA! http://www.aboutdesouffle.qc.ca/ Stats: It looks like he was playing in the B division with his brother Pascal... http://www.aboutdesouffle.qc.ca/statistiques.asp Do they have another brother also? A goalie? There's a Marc-Andre Perron in the B division goalies...
  11. Negative. I was at the prospect camp. There was only one game and he didn't put up any points... was regarded roundly as a lackluster game-environment performance... actually. That was a couple of weeks ago, July 9th... So I think this is some sort of tournament, I'm sure.
  12. 67 pts in 6 games? Where was this?
  13. Yeah, it's an attention thing. Hockey is a team sport and David is a very talented individual, but there is something to be said, as we'd all agree, about the "team first" attitude that is necessary to play the game. And I'm not saying David doesn't have that, not at all, this is far from a comment on David but rather an indication of why Andy Murray would want him to wear black skates. And actually, Storm, Strickland is right. Numerous reports that I've read on the first day of prospect camp cite Perron as being visibly sure of himself -- they didn't say that to discount him, in fact, most accounts I've read finished their citation with an indication that they were really impressed with his hands and his moves, that he does, in fact, have the skill set to back up his "cockiness"... So, there's that.
  14. Helmet: Black Mission Carbster. Shoulders: None. Elbows: Some old, lame Jofas that I don't wear. Shins: Itech Kinetix 8 Gloves: Muskoka XT950 Pants: Old School Cooper Girdle + Hyper Titanium Pants Skates: Mission Amp 3 S Series, Mission 1500 (roller) Sticks: Hespeler Patriot Shaft, Easton Synergy Si-Core Grip Shaft -- both with Mission L-2 Hull blades.
  15. Why would a RBK stick be painted TPS?
  16. Here's my lot, pretty mediocre, I just started playing again about 3 months ago and had to rebuy all new equipment and was on, let's call it, a strict budget. Not to mention I was a bit out of touch with technology and new equipment. Also, i'm only playing inline at the moment. http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3064/pdr18967kw.jpg - Nike Ignite 1 Pro Stock skates from like 2001. - Mission 1500 06' skatse with wax yellow laces and new (old) Red Star Rebel wheels. - Muskoka XT950 embossed gloves. - Old tour girdle. - Mission Carbster helmet - Itech Kinetix 8 Shin Guards - Hespeler Patriot Tapered shaft with Yzerman Easton Synthesis Hybriid - CCM OPS 80 Recchi. Some closeups: http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/4312/pdr18981hj.jpg http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/1310/pdr18995fh.jpg http://img479.imageshack.us/img479/796/pdr19005aw.jpg http://img479.imageshack.us/img479/7719/pdr19016mw.jpg I'm in between pants at the moment, I use some Tour Spy pants from my brother, had a pair of Bauer Vapor8's but they ripped open and I have a set of Tour Tribal pants that are too big and are on EBay at the moment, hopefully I can get my hands on some Hyper Titaniums.
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