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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About DamnLocust

  • Birthday 01/27/1983

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    Queens, NY
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  1. haha sorry. I figured I'd point it out before someone more cruel decided to really rub it in. /tangent.
  2. It's feasible to put lifts in both front and back, but like I said, it would lose stability.
  3. Patriotism FTW roadrunners, the point of the hum'r chassis is that it gives you all 80s with a lower center of gravity. (one of the best things about hi-los when they came out was the ability for a lower center of gravity, which adds stability) Adding spacers between the frame and boot would raise your center of gravity, reducing stability.
  4. For the Fords you do, I don't know about other makes.
  5. It was for my brother... he bought the keys on ebay for $10 each and paid something like $40 to program them. If you already have 2 keys, you don't even need to bring it in, you just cut the new key, insert old key 1, turn ignition to on, then off. repeat with old key 2. repeat with new key, and that's it.
  6. Picked this up friday night. 2008 Mazda 3 S 5 door 5 Speed. I was going to post a pic of my old car for comparison, but it's kind of an embarrassment: 1992 Mitsubishi Diamante. Talk about an upgrade. and, Re: the keyfobs: How about $160 all told to have a key cut/programmed. that's what you get with the ford Keys that have a chip in them. And that one doesn't even have the keyless entry built in.
  7. Balance will be yet another PP issue. some guys like a little more weight on the blade than others. Balance is usually more of a factor in selecting a stick than overall weight. CCM's closest curve to a forsberg would be steen, but they're generally not regarded to be clones.
  8. Is that an intercooler peeking through the lower air dam? or just a big ass aluminum rad? sweet wheels.
  9. I hate doing this, but MissC, what's the flex on that stajan? lie? does it have grip? wanna sell it? haha. beauty of a curve on that one.
  10. Reminds me of a buddy a couple of years ago who sharpie'd "GOAL" on his tape for about a season.
  11. what happens if he turns out to play righty?
  12. fwiw, i had a pro stock 07 fuel and was able to cut/chisel it into a tapered shaft. You never know with pro stocks, but it seemed to be a "real" fuel.
  13. I tried on a pair of Fubars yesterday that the manager of my LHS took from his rep earlier this week. Despite them being 13" and me usually wearing 14" gloves, they felt really good. I'm sure they'd be even roomier in a 14" size. Reminded me of a slightly narrower NBH 4Roll. The palms feel like butter, but don't look like they can take all that much abuse. Only time will tell. Still, a quality glove for its price. The manager told me they'll retail for $99, same as the 4-rolls. Too bad he didn't leave a pair of creepers.
  14. IIRC, X71 is an X70 with a longer cuff. At least that's what it was.
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