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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by texanhockey

  1. my new mike ribiero prostock gloves. brand new for 34 bucks! gotta love star centers. plus hes my favorite dallas star so i was pretty excited. plus there extremely soft and comfy. is this a standard nash palm?
  2. Product: vapor xxxx, right, 87 flex, naslund curve Time of use: 2 months 3 times a week on avg. My stats: age 17, 5'9 160 pounds. on ice since i was 4 Blade: great. nice and stiff. catching passes is a breeze though. it seems like any pass i catch just sticks to the blade. theres a few little chips after 2 months but its going very good so far 10/10 Flex: the flex is very good.flexes much closser to the blade than most of my other sticks. my slapshots just fly off compared to my l-2. wristers have suffered but i think its just because the curve change from lidstrom to naslund. the snappers have been off and on. when i connect just right the shot is solid though 8/10 Stickhandling/receiving passes: my stickhandling has been off because this stick feels blade-light in my opinion and ive had a little trouble getting used to it being that way. switch to ST for shootouts because i like a little blade weight. personal preference is all it is though. like above catching passes is like nothing. the puck just "sticks" to the blade. 9/10 Shooting: have had a good shot with it but wristers and snappers dont seem to "snap" like some other sticks ive had like the one90. slappers have been very good though for me. broke our goalies cage on accident the other day. cracked a few welds. been clocked at 76 with my beloved l-2 and 84 with this stick so im very pleased in that department 7/10 Weight and balance: very well balanced. its bladelight though and im used to more blade heavy sticks. 7/10 Durability: so far so good. 2 months of hard shooting and the flex and blade are both very good still. i was afraid of durability after breaking the one90 in 3 weeks but this has been very good. 10/10 Conclusion: the vapor xxxx is a very good stick. very light and probably the best looking stick out in my opinion. i guess im just to used to a heavier stick so this stick will not make the cut for me. cant get used to the feel and seem to loose the puck alot more when stick handling. back to the l-2 and tryin out many more sticks in the future to find that perfect one :) wish i could find some si-cores. 7/10 overall
  3. heres some flexlite 10's with a bauer showstopper?? chassis. i dont play inline exept for messin around on outdoor rinks but they were never worn and i bought them for 40 bucks on craigslist. either the guy jacked em or just a rich kid. he didnt know anything about them. description said nike rollerblades size 9. and they say hockey on the inside. im happy
  4. thoses grafs look sooo sexy. although with the carbon fiber holder would be the best looking skate ever imo
  5. the dolomite is my least used stick. i use 100 flex and decided to try 85 on the warior but it feels like a 75 or somethin. i feel the shaft tork on snappers. probably going to get rid of it soon
  6. well this site has been bad news to me. ive gone from 1 pair of skates to 3 and 2 sticks to 6. i know its not many to some but its alot to me. the skates are mission amp flyweights, bauer 8090's, and my new easton s-15 prostocks with the thickest tounge ive ever seen. also has "fur" in the toecap to keep my toes warm. love them. the sticks from left to right are a mission l-2 (main stick), tps r-6, tps armour, warrior dolomite 2 piece,one90, and a prostock synergy st.
  7. just picked up some new skates.sorry for crappy cellphone pics. prostock graf 703's. they are steve otts from the stars. size 8 3/4. most comfy boot/ tounge ever but not sure i can get used to skating in them from my 8090's. might sell if someones interested. or i'll go to ebay. i'll try them a few more times
  8. nice jerseys! heres a few sticks, my gloves and new 8090's that i have yet to skate on. they feel good on my feet though ( sorry for the bad cell phone pic)
  9. thats pretty cool. i need to build something like that
  10. im still wiping off the drool! if only those were righties and i found out were you live. if only....
  11. i really like black and gold on eagles. the blue XXX's are really nice to
  12. niiice room. when i get my own place theres gunna be a hockey room for sure. and a fishing room
  13. heres one of the few i liked me from a tourney last season lining a guy up. you can see the fear in his stride:) haha just kidding
  14. idk why but i just dont like the xxxx's
  15. Helmet: bauer 5000 Gloves: Eagle x6 Shoulders: ccm tacks Elbows: ccm pro tacks Pants: tps Shins: easton air Skates: ccm 7.5's Sticks: mission l-2 and easton stealth cnt
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