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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Jarick

  1. Jarick

    Mission Intake

    MISSION INTAKE HELMET Cage/shield: Bauer 8500 and 9500 cages, Oakley shield Time Used: 3 years Fit The Intake fits my head perfectly. I must have a wider head as I couldn't fit into any of the cheap Bauer helmets that seemed so narrow. I was a size large for most other manufacturers but a medium in the Intake. The EPP pads have been comfortable, much more so than the old yellow foam helmets were. I always remembered as a kid HATING helmets because they squeezed my head and were so uncomfortable, but this is like wearing nothing on your head at all. 10/10 Protection I haven't taken too many spills with my helmet, although I did get slew footed and hit the back of my head on the ice. I got some whiplash, but the helmet stayed on and no concussion. The occipital lock is a life saver and I will never buy a helmet without it. 10/10 Weight When I first got the helmet, I used it without a visor or cage. Never noticed it on my head. It's much lighter than the helmets I worse as a kid. Can't ask for anything lighter. 10/10 Durability The outside of the helmet and the pads have held up great. But the screws are another story. When I attached a cage for the first time, the inserts fell out of place and I had to rip out the foam in the front to get them back in. After a year, the cage started getting rusty and when I went to install a new cage, the screws had rusted themselves onto the helmet. It took several hours to get the screws and inserts out, and now the helmet is mangled up pretty good. I think rust-proof screws would make a lot more sense, as well as a better screw retention mechanism (springs or clips). 7/10 Price For what this helmet offers, top of the line EPP protection, occipital lock, and ventilation, it is a bargain. It is priced lower than comparable helmets. 10/10 Intangibles I've heard this helmet offers more cooling on the ice with the vents. While it's cooler than any helmet I've used as a kid, it's still pretty hot on the bench and I do take it off between shifts later in the game. The EPP padding doesn't soak up sweat like the old style foam, so you will need to have a towel or something to keep it from running in your eyes. Other than that, I don't notice it's on, which is a great thing for protective equipment. It doesn't look bad, but newer helmets seem to look better. Conclusion This is a fantastic helmet for the money with great protective features. Just be sure to check the screws and replace them frequently. Overall - 9.5/10
  2. I don't know about the short ST blades, but the red ones had pretty good feel and were incredibly durable.
  3. BAUER VAPOR XXV Size: 7.5EE Reviewer: 5'8" 175 Foot: Slightly wide at ball of foot, slightly narrow at heel, medium arch Time Used: 1.5 years Introduction My first skate as an adult was a Vapor VI that fit well but broke down quickly, both in the boot stiffness and outsole. I upgraded to the Vapor XIX in size 8D, but was sized incorrectly, and after a year I sold those to get these skates in a smaller and wider size. Fit Before purchasing, I tried on nearly every skate out there in as many sizes as I could, and the Vapor series skates in EE were by far the best fit for my feet. I had these skates fitted with thin dress socks both with baking and an air bladder system. As a result, they fit great, and I can still play even with the laces loose or coming untied. The newer Vapors have a bit wider toe box and more padding above the ankle to lock the heel in. Between the proper size and these refinements, I found my edges much easier, my foot didn't roll around anymore, and my skating improved quite a bit. 10/10 Blade/Holder My old Vapors had slightly longer runners, so at first I noticed I didn't get quite as much glide, but I could make sharper turns. The steel is very good, and with a bit of a touch-up using a Miraclestone, I can go several weeks between sharpenings. I've been using the LS2 holder for a while now, and I like the feel. They aren't too stiff or soft, fairly springy, and they place me a bit on my toes, which I prefer over standard holders. 10/10 Weight These skates are very light in weight compared to cheaper models and close enough to high end skates for me. They do not absorb moisture enough to get any heavier throughout a game. It's possible to have lighter skates, but not necessary. 10/10 Protection These skates have taken a number of pucks off them and protection is great from the sides. Anything on the tongue isn't nearly as protective, so those will sting a lot more. 8/10 Durability The skates have held up very well, without any problems with stitching or cracking. The liner has also held up very well. My previous XIX's had a problem with the tendon guard wearing through the liner and rubbing against my foot, but I've taken care while putting them on and taking them off and there seems to be more padding in that area, so no problems so far. Holders and boot have quite a few puck marks, but no real damage. 9/10 Price These skates were pretty average in terms of price compared to other manufacturers. 8/10 Intangibles I immediately replaced the liners with Superfeet to get better feel for the ice. I typically skip the top eyelet when lacing up for a bit more forward flex. The tongues don't have much give in them so you can't flop them. Conclusion This is a great skate for someone who does not need ultra high end stiffness and weight. Just be sure to be properly fitted because they won't break in much at all. Overall 9/10
  4. Helmet: Mission Intake w/ Bauer 9500 cage Shoulders: Bauer Vapor XXV Elbows: Easton Stealth S9 Gloves: TPS R8 Lite Pants: Bauer Vapor XXV Shins: Bauer One90 Skates: Bauer Vapor XXV Sticks: Dolomite 75 flex nipple grip Robitaille Dolomite 75 flex clear grip shaft w/ Dolomite HD Kovalchuk One90 67 flex shaft w/ Montreal M95 Euro
  5. Anybody tried the Dolomite HD yet? My Dolo cracked after a year of non stop use, and I'm thinking about picking up the new one.
  6. Helmet: Mission Intake w/ Bauer 9500 cage Shoulders: Bauer Vapor XXV Elbows: Easton Stealth S9 Gloves: TPS R8 Lite Pants: Bauer Vapor XXV Shins: Bauer One90 Skates: Bauer Vapor XXV Sticks: Easton Synergy II 70 flex w/ Mission Brunette pro stock blade Warrior Dolomite Grip 340 flex Robitaille Mission Fuel Pyro 65 flex Rafalski Easton S17 85 flex converted to shaft w/ Montreal M95 euro blade (waiting on pro stock Oggie grip)
  7. Two new blades, Christian #1 (Forsberg) woodie that I add 1/2" of toe curve (perfect) Harrow #1 (Forbserg) composite Got both on clearance for $10 each, so of course I had to buy them. Could have got a Drury clone for $10 too but don't like the curve.
  8. It's fantastic. Stays in place, you can breathe and talk really easily, and seems to do its job fine as a mouthguard (no tooth protection but I wear a cage).
  9. Helmet: Mission Intake w/ Bauer 9500 cage Shoulders: Bauer Vapor XXV Elbows: Easton Stealth S9 Gloves: CCM Vector Pro Pants: Bauer Vapor XXV Shins: Bauer One90 Skates: Bauer Vapor XXV Sticks: Easton Synergy II 70 flex w/ Mission Brunette pro stock blade Warrior Dolomite Grip 340 flex Robitaille Mission Fuel Pyro 65 flex Rafalski Two things, I love Bauer protective gear (and would love some XXV elbows when my strap wears away), and I love a gimmick product. Also using the Gravity mouthguard, Tacki Mac grips, Gorilla laces, Shock Doctor bag, and trying Bladetape now.
  10. Wonder if he's being courted for endorsement then?
  11. Got a Bauer 9500 cage (much better than the 8500, thinner bars, nicer look, lighter weight, better fit) and replaced the PF shaft with a regular 85 flex shaft with the Weight curve. Also just picked up a 75 flex Z-Bubble shaft and I'm planning on getting a Montreal M95 blade for pond hockey this winter.
  12. I thought the difference between the XXX and XXXX was wider toe cap and more ankle/heel padding for better lock? I know they fit my feet a lot better.
  13. Good point! I suppose the XXV is about $400 and XXXX is $800 up there, or some big gap like that?
  14. Why even offer the high end skate then? Either the XXXX is too much money or the XXV is too cheap. Seems to me if you get a XXV with a better liner, stiffer boot, and stiffer outsole, that's basically a XXXX.
  15. I wonder how much demand there is for a skate between the XXV and XXXX? It seems to me the benefits are a stiffer boot and outsole and better liner. I could see them offering a custom XXV skate (for those of us who don't need a very stiff boot), but I'm wondering if a lot of players are needing a skate that is between the XXV and XXXX. I could see them dropping a lower end line though, no need to have a $60, $90, $135, and $175 skate. Maybe just $75, $125, and $185 skates.
  16. Well all the Vapors and Supremes looked good so I'm not concerned about that, it's just if my Vapor XXV's fall apart, I'm wondering if the toes will be wide or narrow or if the heels will be wide or narrow or what.
  17. I'm going to guess that it will be an amped up "continuation" of the old Vapor 10s. New numbering makes a lot of sense, as they've used up way too many Roman numerals. How did the old Vapors fit compared to the current ones?
  18. I hope they stay with the Vapor fit, they're the only skates I fit into.
  19. That would be fantastic. A flexible grip with a rubber wall that is slightly thinner than your average one-piece...tape whatever butt end you want. Make 4" and 6" versions...I'd love that.
  20. I see a lot more Oggie's on the shelf at Hockey Giant, if that's any indication. I tried one, didn't like it, sold it, bought another, tried it, thought it was okay, have someone who wants to buy it this weekend but using it again tonight.
  21. Oh the Bauer Endure...that thing was indestructible. I sold one a couple months ago that I had used for over a year and it still looked brand new. Shame that they felt like they were about 30 flex stiffer than they were. I still have my eye out for a 67 flex original Endure PM9 lefty ;)
  22. Helmet: Mission Intake w/ Bauer 8500 cage Shoulders: Itech 255 or Sherwood 5030 Elbows: Easton Stealth S9 Gloves: CCM Vector Pro Pants: Bauer Vapor XXV Shins: Bauer One90 Skates: Bauer Vapor XXV Sticks: Warrior Dolomite NG 340 flex Robitaille Warrior Dolomite PF 300 flex Weight Picked up a new Dolo tonight as 07's were on sale. Sold off my other shafts and blades. For future reference, the 75 flex Dolomite had a sticker with 339 flex written on the inside, so that answers that. Another was listed at 340 flex. My 300 flex prostock was listed at 315 and felt in between the 75 and 85 flex retails. Couldn't read the flex on any of the 85's.
  23. Yeah, I had a newer Mercury Cougar that was great for occasionally hauling stuff around. I'm a drummer, so it was nice to be able to toss five cases in the car, the massive hockey bag holding all the hardware, a cymbal bag, some stuff for the guitarists, AND fit the girlfriend up front. Although I'm seeing Nissan Muranos go for pretty cheap now that everyone's selling off their SUV's. Under $16k with lower mileage...going to have to test drive one.
  24. BMW 330xi - $22,000 Front right axle and ignition - $1500 Front left axle, headlamp fixture, and tail lamp fixture - $1500 Repairing damage from a tree branch falling on the car - $3500 Rebuilding transmission - $2500 Learning to never buy an expensive car as a 20-something - Priceless Anyways, hoping to sell this car and get a little hatchback, Mazda3, Scion tC, something like that. Something low to mid teens.
  25. Found myself a pair of Tackla Pro 5000's in great shape for $30 :D (although it took me an hour to fish a new belt through them). They're a bit small (size 46, I probably need a 48) but don't seem too much shorter than my old pants. But on the plus side, I now have really nice protective gear and shouldn't (hopefully) want anything other than new shafts and blades. Helmet: Mission Intake w/ Bauer 8500 cage Shoulders: Itech 255 or Sherwood 5030 Elbows: Easton Stealth S9 Gloves: CCM Vector Pro Pants: Tackla Pro 5000 Shins: Bauer One90 Skates: Bauer Vapor XXV Sticks: Easton Synergy II 70 flex w/ Warrior Dolomite Weight Warrior Dolomite 300 flex w/ Christian Torch Forsberg TPS XN10 R2 Int flex w/ Easton Synergy Elite Iginla (dryland stick)
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