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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by trevor13478

  1. Haven't posted on here in a while, here's the stuff I've picked up over the course of the summer. Bauer 7500 with Bauer pro clip straight visor, Ben Lovejoy pro stock Penguins gloves, Mikael Frolik RSII (S19 repaint), and yesterday's impulse buy, Pro stock APX skates. No name or markings on them, TSR had a stash of them selling as pro stock, only differences I've noticed from retail are the liner, 7.0 tongue and LS3 steel.
  2. There's always UMaine gloves, although NCAA equipment is notoriously hard to a hold of...
  3. Uploaded with ImageShack.us new helmet setup: 8k with oakley pro modified aviator
  4. Those are Providence Bruins socks. Big B's wear yellow socks with home unis and the away set have a thick black stripe and thin gold ones, opposite of those.
  5. $1400??? thats insane. I was paying 315 for the year or 180/semester and thought I was getting boned, but that is absolutely brutal. As for the Audi, that's a shame, great cars. My first car was a 98 A4 wagon which went over 250k miles before we sold it, I loved that thing. Now I'm in an 05 A4 sedan, I sometimes miss the wagon and I wish it had the USP (s-line for B6 bodystyle) package as those and the s-line for later models just make them look that much better. My dad drives a 2010 S4 and man, does that thing go. My mom recently traded in her 07 A6 sedan for a new Q5, both great cars. Sorry that it didn't work out this time around but definitely keep Audi in mind for the future, great cars, especially with quattro come wintertime.
  6. Unfortunately, no. "Designed in Canada. Made In Thailand"
  7. I haven't gotten a chance to skate in them yet, but first impression from just wearing them around the shop was very good. I was looking at the x4.0s as well today and aside from needing a 2E in vapors where i fit in a D width in these, the 7k's just seemed more sturdy and better built compared to those and other skates near that price point. Again I obviously can't comment on durability or on ice feel but so far, so good in my opinion.
  8. New skates, Reebok 7k. never cared for white skates but these just looked so good in person. 2 things i swore I'd never buy: reebok skates and white skates. Both went out the window today, but these fit my foot well and I surprised myself by really liking the looks of them. I'm sure some people will hate but hey, I don't think the white is too much on these.
  9. Sweet. I actually work in the equipment room at UVM. I think goalie gear is some of the only stuff they actually let go since it's so custom. Ive been trying to get my boss to let me have some of the old stuff but almost all of it gets passed down to club and intramural teams. Ive also been told they have to be really careful about what they let players keep when they graduate because of NCAA rules about gifts and such. Great colors though, especially to match your uni's and definitely a great pickup. And Madore is a real nice guy, I bump into him from time to time at the rink after stick and puck
  10. Harv, are those UVM pants I spy in that bag?
  11. Love the E30 BMW, my father has a 1984 325i convertible in pretty much mint condition, one of my favorite cars ever.
  12. I was a little bummed when Audi ditched the V-8 in the S4, but the supercharged V-6 is an absolute beast
  13. i'd be more worried about them getting hooked around the butt of my stick, or someone else's
  14. Is that purple binding on the blue Eastons at the top? or is it just the lighting/camera
  15. better be brand new for that price
  16. have fun with green hands after every use
  17. looks good did you totaly separate the two pieces or just open all the way
  18. finally... at long last got my fuel ti from the mission promo. 85 flex hossa curve
  19. '05 Audi A4 1.8 turbo quattro (same as in the avatar)
  20. new pickup today, navy 4k with chrome 480 cage hmmm, i remember you were in the same boat as me as far as the stick promo goes, did you ever end up getting the email or did your stick just show up?
  21. their gloves weren't really all that hyped to begin with were they?
  22. Actually, that is what MIA stood for when the company was started...
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