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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by trevor13478

  1. yeah i would be interested to know exactly how much some of these sticks cost to make (9kO-tech)
  2. Helmet- Mission Intake w/ jofa 480 black Shoulder- Bauer supreme 4000 Elbow- Easton synergy 700 Pants- CCM 452 Shins- RBK 6k Skates- Easton synergy 900 Gloves- Eagle x6, Bauer XXX, XV, Mission HE550 Sticks- Mission Pulse, 3 synergy sl's, 2 first gen synergys, warrior macdaddy, NBH one60 woody
  3. hockeyplaya, as stated in the first post, there is no word on prices do we know yet if the nipple grip is just the -i guess you would call them nipples haha- or if they have a rubbery grip like easton uses
  4. looks a lot like a iginla as well, maybe a little more open
  5. what is the texture like on fuel. does it have a little texture like the pulse or most of easton's sticks. Or is it smooth like a mac daddy? $240 is pushing it for me :-/ kahoks look at the post before you
  6. what will the prices be for the supreme 70 and 50 shoulder pads? similar to the 6000s for the 70s?
  7. i love how that bergeron curve looks, but why did they leave out the 9k stick?
  8. i love the custom helmet idea, i wish you could get green with a black subshell though. also i love the feel of the snake grip but i want a better performance than the 5k stick i wish they would make a 7k snakegrip. the new protective looks sick too. i think they should have stayed with the white and blue color scheme though.
  9. skates: Easton synergy 900s shin: rbk 6k shoulder: bauer supreme 4000s elbow: Easton synergy 700s Pants: CCM 452s Gloves: Eagle x6s, Bauer vapor XVs, Mission he550s Helmet: Mission intake -green Sticks: 3 synergy SLs (all iginla 85s), Warrior Macdaddy (robitaille 85), orginal synergy (sakic 85)
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