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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About kadayo

  • Birthday 07/24/1976


  • Skates
    VH Custom w/ TUK LS2 and Step Blacksteel
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Pro
  • Shin Pads
    Easton Pro 10
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Nexus 4000
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sherwood 5030
  • Pants
    Tackla TG4000 Girdle
  • Helmet
    Easton E700 w/ Itech Titanium Cage
  • Gloves
    Bauer Nexus 1000 w/Pearl Mustang palms
  • Stick
    Easton V9E Grip 85 Flex E4

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  • Location
    Clifton, NJ
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  1. If anyone is looking to purchase a Sparx and needs a friend, PM me.
  2. VH skates do not come with a custom molded insole. I am using Graf sidas custom foot beds and find them excellent for my high arched foot.
  3. It was only if you had previously purchased the X grinding ring.
  4. The height on the heel is a result of the height setting for the toe. Should it be lower on the toe as well? Is having the edge go to that height on the heel a big problem? Thanks again.
  5. Question for you sparx users or sharpening gurus out there. I have marked my blade where the sparx sharpener has put an edge on the blade. Is the edge far up enough on the toe or should I go higher? Thanks for the help
  6. Anyone used and have feedback on the new VH holder? I am looking to transition out of my T-blades for the first time in 16 years and I am trying to decide between the LS2 and VH holder. I really want to use step steel so I am not considering the edge holder as I can't get step steel for it here in the US.
  7. It has been taken off the site for now while our R&D team pursues some design changes. We hope to have it back up in 4-6 weeks. From Sparx.
  8. The reason I asked was because it was pulled from the site and not just marked out of stock like the edge checker and air filter are at this time. I will send them an email.
  9. Does anyone know what happened to the cross grind ring for the Sparx? I can't find it on the website. Is it being discontinued?
  10. Has anyone had trouble contacting VH lately? I emailed Rob last week and have not heard back from him as of yet. Very strange because he normally gets back to me right away.
  11. I had one foot right at the threshold for junior pricing and one over. Rob still gave me junior size pricing.
  12. I've been using the rocket dryer for years and it does not do any harm to gloves or skates.
  13. The threshold was 252mm. My left foot measured 252mm and my right foot was 260mm. See the tongues in this video. That is what I received from VH.
  14. Yes. The tongues I received are like the original tongues shown in the video.
  15. I want to post my experience transitioning form my older VH skates from 2013 to the new version that I received a month ago. My original pair fit my feet perfectly right after the first bake. I baked them put them on and skated a few hours later with no issues at all. The only thing that I did to adjust the fit was get a set of Graf Sidas insoles. The truth is that my original pair still have some life left in them but I wanted to get a new pair and keep the other pair as a backup. This way I am never without skates if something needs to be fixed or whatever. I ordered my new skates on 09.24.2015. Standard black skates with the new toe cap,new tendon guard and tan clarino liner. No additional options. Luckily for me one of my feet fit under the threshold for junior size skates and they only charged me $600 for the new pair. I wasn't expecting that and didn't even ask for that pricing but the invoice was made out for junior size skates so I didn't argue.The new pair came on 10.08.2015. I did the same routine as before. Baked them and used them a few hours later. I had a new set of Graf Sidas insoles made for the new skates as well. The skates were made from the exact same measurements as the first pair. They fit perfectly after baking. Or so I thought. On the ice my feet went numb right away and there was pain in the ball of my right foot. These skates seemed to have much less volume than my original pair. I tried loosening the laces and while this worked for the pain and numbness the boots felt too sloppy and loose for me. I tried to use mc88's method of using a heat gun to adjust the lower eyelets so the tongue would sit more flat but this did not work for me. Same issues as before. Another issue I was having was that I could not get proper knee bend. It seemed as if the boot was cut higher than before and the top of the boot was farther up my ankle. I tried not lacing the top eyelet and this did help some but I was still having the other issues still. I emailed Rob and explained the situation I was having and suggested that the new thicker tongue may be the culprit. He agreed and said he would send out a new set of the thinner tongues at no cost. The thinner tongues arrived about a week later and I re-did the baking process. What a difference. I skated that night and had no more numbness or pain. The only issue I had now was that the tongues seemed to be a bit too thin as my skates loosened up as I was skating. My next time out on the ice I added the red insole along with my Graf Sidas and that issue was gone as well. The skates feel exactly as my first pair did. Perfect!! The new pair of skates definitely seem built more solid than the original. Its hard to explain but they just have more of a solid feel to them. They do weigh a bit more as well. I think it was about 90 grams or so more per skate. Generally the finish of the new skates seem to be better than my original pair. The stitching seems better and there is no excess glue anywhere. Happy to answer any questions about the difference between the newer and older version.
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