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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mattzilla

  1. mauer couldve gotten so much more on the market. good to see him stay with the hometeam, he seems like a good dude.
  2. I'm new to the whole internet thing.
  3. Do You Have Any Clue How To Properly Use Capital Letters?
  4. http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/allstar2009/...tory?id=3849329 he's in!
  5. what size are those icons and would you be willing to part with them for a fee? :) I have the same ones, therye just beat to hell and I would love to get another pair instead of repalming these ones. let me know!
  6. thats the way i see it. Rocker and Sprung.. theyre supposed to feel more like ice. I havent played ice since I was about 12?13? ( when i took up roller ) I dont want my roller blades feeling like ice skates. I want my roller blades to feel like roller blades.
  7. diggin the leopard print, very sexy.
  8. these blades + ultra lite shaft = money i have 5 of them sitting around. just need to get some shafts and im set.
  9. I got a steel rod and screws and wires in my leg/knee and I've been finding as the weather gets colder and wetter ( I live in victoria, bc ) that its been aching a lot more and where the bonescar is ( a big bump on the bone ) its been pretty sore and my knee cap has been sore as hell too. I hope it stops with time... I am going to order up some warriors in january ( cant play till june! at the earliest! ). This thread is giving me some awesome ideas.
  10. djsnowman, I have a pair of those I've been using for a year ( theyve been in lockup for the last 5 months ) but theyre an awesome glove, super soft, no break in time, they feel amazing.
  11. ...yeah. he did buy them TODAY ( as in the day he took the pic )
  12. ive only been through one bad accident and i have more screws in me (5) and rods (1) and wire than i want. I can't imagine how much shit you must got in you. :) makes for some rad xrays though
  13. Heh...Thanks man. I'll keep ya in mind ;) Hahhaa.....They're probably too young to know what you meant..."Robocop? Who the hell is Robocop? Does he post here?" Seriously....kids these days! Man, I AM gettin' old.... robocop is awesome. I have a roboleg. Im chomping at the bit to get back out there, but I have another good long while till i can play again. I have titanium IN my leg too, yeeeah.
  14. that easton aluminum is sweet.
  15. the only chassis i'd go for over that one would possibly be the sprung. the vanguard chassis is great.
  16. xpat1313x love the matching gloves.
  17. That is SICK. I really want to get a set of sprungs, but i really like the vanguard set up. How much to get a pair of the torspo sprungs in 10.5 sent up to victoria, bc, canada? Your inbox is full. You probably know that.
  18. my brothers wife ended up erasing all the ones of me actually playing... so heres an after game shot. me, my older brother, and my younger brother. thats my oldest brother's (not in pic) kid. as far as the not matching jersey? we have a few sets and he forgot the right one. btw, I'm holding up a 4 because i got 4 goals... oh ya.
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