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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


Members (Bad Seller)
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Everything posted by ljbaron

  1. Thanks Guys, I was gonna black out the blue on the skate. But i'm not to sure yet.
  2. As Borat would say "Very Niiiiiiceee".
  3. You literally have the exact same gloves as me. But I ordered mine first so technically you copied me :P
  4. The ignorant and "Amen" was from other posters, not me. It was suppost to be quoted.
  5. That seems like a pretty ignorant remark about a product that you havent touched or used based on the tongue alone.Or have you? Amen I have seen & felt them in real life.
  6. Thise new 9k's look like they would fall apart after about two weeks of skating. The damn tounge looks paper thin.
  7. I'am not going to lie, those gloves arn't the color of my coolade.
  8. Incredibly comfortable and very light. I second that.. I've been wearing my vector + nbh 8500 cage combo for a few months now and I think its great. IMO this bucket is possibly the best bucket for this price.. and I'm coming from a bauer 8000.. You should put a CCM cage on that.
  9. That black on the top with white on the bottom colour sheme is really nice.
  10. Is that all you spend your money on?
  11. The new "spine" technology seems like a gimmick
  12. Whats the deal with the title of this thread? Best bands that you're NOT listening to?
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