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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I dont come here very often, contact me at geoff@skateproasia.com

  2. I'd like to hear some ideas behind the fusion coming out in the usual LS2 length on a Supreme skate compared with the 2.1 POWER, seems to me to be a product that should have either been made in the 2.1 length or held over till next years Vapor upgrade. This was an important differential between the Supreme and Vapor lines for the last 4 years. The Europeans seem to be more on the ball with this in that the TotalONE is only being offered retail as the SE with the 2.1 steel, even if it does take away one of the most innovative features of the product.
  3. The majority of people out there on ONE95's paid $650 or more, and now Bauer are ripping people off for offering the same technology (or we are fools for buying the same skate) for less? You ALWAYS pay a premium for new technology when it first comes out, thats why its limited to the top of the line and people have to pay a THWACK extra to get that technology, people will pay the extra for the TOTAL ONE so they can get the fusion steel. So what, its how a company recoups the money they invested in molds, tooling, R & D etc. You sound like you think Bauer owes you something. Bauer is just another company doing business making a dollar, they will price according to what the market will bear and offer the products they think will sell. BTW, if you are in Bauers EXPORT market, i.e. anywhere other than in North America then your problem with wanting the fusion blade on youe skate when you buy it then youre out of luck as the TOTALONE will only be offered as the TOTALONE SE - without the fusion runner in favour of the 2.1 steel! Now thats bloody funny!
  4. So you don't accept it, but then you do? Except that it is essentially the same technology, with updated styling FOR A LOWER PRICE. The ONE75 was supposed to be a ONE90 replacement but these so called replacements have always been a little speced down to reach a slightly lower price point. And then you seem to be complaining about something, which you don't know what it is? And then in wrapping up you quote So you're claiming to have a skate which is "going to change the hockey skate forever" but complain that it sets a new bench mark in pricing. How do you expect it to be any other way? Hope you can help me to reconcile all of the contradictions in this post to save me from thinking JR should have suggested a deletion not a repost in the correct thread.
  5. Does anyone here have feedback on issues with the ridge betwen the two different materials lining the inside of the boot. Sometimes that ridge can cause problems with tender parts of the foot, especially if the ankle bone is a bit forward.
  6. I am looking at one for my small pro shop, in which case I will look at selling the "red" machine. Hopefully someone on here can answer the following: How do the costs for the consumables compare with running a standard machine, ie. number of sharpenings you get from each stone and spinner, their costs vs the same number of sharpenings and costs with the standard set up? Is it easier for rookies to sharpen skates on this machine? If customers still want the old ROH style of sharpening how difficult is it to reinstall the radius arm? (I haven't had much feedback on the Figure and Goalie skates question I posted earlier). Cheers Hey TBL, thanks for postin that link of the one arm , no look bandit on youtube. I too had no idea who he was when I made my comment, took him all of 5 mins (and I am 8hrs ahead!) to send me a message in MSH bustin my ----- for it!
  7. Doesn't seem to have been much said about the rpms - 6,500 is almost double standard machines. Thats got to have an impact on the finish you get, perhaps even the number of passes required and the intervals between cleaning the wheel? Is the increase in rpms all down to the smaller wheel size? How many "standard" sharpenings do you get on the smaller wheel? how does it compare with the 8" wheels? Does this factor in the additional life you get with the spinner system? Switching between radiai for the FBV, it doesn't appear to me like it would take off so much of the wheel as with a standard single point wheel shaper, is that what you guys have found? Someone directed my question yesterday about figure skaters using it as being 4 posts previous, I can't find it, went through the whole 30 pages looking for it, would appreciate a more accurate instruction on that, as well as some feedback on how goalies have fared on the FBV. All questions that need to be answered before/if I ditch my current machine...
  8. I have looked at "almost" all of the pages in this tread, can I have some feedback on how it works, or if it does with figure skaters? Just wondering about the versatility from a general rink sharpening machine point of view...
  9. I too am very interested to hear more on the subject. I read long ago that TUUK blades came in a standard radius suitable for the majority of players (just can't remember the size). As I understand it not many shops are set up or have qualified guys to adjust the profile of a blade so I would hazard a guess that the vast majority of hockey players are skating on the profile that the blade came in. Are other experienced guys supporting the above assertions and that most players are thereby skating on the wrong profile? Outside of the systems developed by the big boys does anyone have an accurate method for profiling on a portable skate sharpener!
  10. I am sorry to have missed this thread. I come on every few months to ask a few questions about the North American Market. I have the only Pro Shop in Taiwan www.monoclub.com.tw - (in the middle up upgrading) and started the only organized mens league here in 2004 www.cihl.com.tw Inline is better organized and has been developing for 10 years here now. Anyone interested in coming out to play drop me a line to my email: monoclub@yahoo.com Cheers, Geoff p.s. StealthATL, sorry you didn't hook up with us for the World Jnrs in Germany, was a great trip.
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