The majority of people out there on ONE95's paid $650 or more, and now Bauer are ripping people off for offering the same technology (or we are fools for buying the same skate) for less? You ALWAYS pay a premium for new technology when it first comes out, thats why its limited to the top of the line and people have to pay a THWACK extra to get that technology, people will pay the extra for the TOTAL ONE so they can get the fusion steel. So what, its how a company recoups the money they invested in molds, tooling, R & D etc. You sound like you think Bauer owes you something. Bauer is just another company doing business making a dollar, they will price according to what the market will bear and offer the products they think will sell. BTW, if you are in Bauers EXPORT market, i.e. anywhere other than in North America then your problem with wanting the fusion blade on youe skate when you buy it then youre out of luck as the TOTALONE will only be offered as the TOTALONE SE - without the fusion runner in favour of the 2.1 steel! Now thats bloody funny!