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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Dean_

  1. do you or anyone have a picture of hatchers curve
  2. I already said it but I want those tongues on my XXXXs!!! They look sick and the tongue on the XXXXs leave something to be desired when it comes to comfort... Seems pretty protective(haven't taken a hard shot off the tongue area yet) but isn't as comfortable as it could be. where can you buy new tongues ?
  3. how much did those gloves cost
  4. where did you get your pro-stock vapor xxx too
  5. nice gloves trevor
  6. has anyone tried the s9 pants, and if so are they combfrotable, are they light etc. ?
  7. wow those gloves are amazing
  8. nice skates tbl fan
  9. What will the performace level of the XXV's be ? Similar to the 70's to the One90's.
  10. how much will the vapor 25, 20, and 19 skates cost in canadian money ?
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