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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Spreedizzle

  1. Pierce Edens and the Dirty Work Kickin southern rock band with a touch of bluegrass and jazz in them. And plus.....thier bassist is the left winger on the line that I center. :P http://www.pierceedens.com/
  2. CURRENTLY OWN: 2005 Toyota Tacoma V6 Double Cab V6, 5spd manual, 4WD, TRD Package, Silver 2006 VW Jetta Turbo Diesel, 5spd manual, Leather, Sunroof, 52mpg. :P
  3. ICE: Skates: CCM Vector 8.0 with Tblades Shin Guards: Mission Fuel 110 Girdle: Easton Synergy Pants: Easton Synergy 700 Shoulder Pads: Easton Classic Helmet: CCM 1092 with ITECH Wire Half Cage Elbow: CCM Vector 8.0 Sticks: TPS Response Armor Whip flex Afinogenov RBK Sickick 7K 40KP Bergeron CCM Vector 8.0 40KP Thornton (2007) CCM Vector 10.0 45KP Recci INLINE: Skates: Tour Code 1 Girdle: Mission 7500 Pants: Mission 7500 Sticks: CCM Vector 8.0 40KP Thornton (2006) Mission Team Comp with Easton Yzerman abs blade
  4. My current gear: Skates: Vector 8.0 w/ T Blades Helmet: CCM 1092 w/ Half Cage Shoulder pads: Easton Classics Elbow pads: CCM Vector 8.0 Girdle: Easton Synergy Pants: Easton Synergy 700 Shin Guards: Mission Fuel 110 Gloves: MIA MB33's Sticks: RBK SicKick 7K 85 Bergeron CCM Vector 8.0 85 Thornton
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