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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Spreedizzle

  1. Just had my first post-op surgical consult since having my ACL reconstructed on Friday.......apparently I am doing amazingly well with my swelling completely under control (Thank you Game Ready Ice Machine.....www.gameready.com) and am able to fire my quad and begin my range of motion exercises on my own before I start PT on wednesday. :)
  2. Yep.....got the femoral nerve block. Actually had very little pain or discomfort so far, but i am sure that that will wear off this afternoon when the nerve block has done its job. But i have a Game Ready Ice Machine, good drugs, beautiful brunette taking care of me......so life isn't too bad. ;)
  3. 3 hours from now......the ACL in my left knee will be replaced and the long recovery begins......
  4. In the corner boards, puck at my feet, kicked the puck with my right foot to avoid the incoming defender as he lost his footing hauling ass at me and he fell into the outside of my left thigh/knee as I was about to pivot.....knee buckled inwards, something popped, i squealed like a 13 year old girl from the hit and explosion i felt in my knee before i hit the ice. The guy that hit me started shouting at the ref "blow the effin whistle....blow it....blow it" the second i hit the ice as he knew that I was in trouble and something pretty bad had gone down. Lo and behold.....he was right. :(
  5. Right there with ya. Mine tore 3 weeks ago, diagnosed 2 weeks ago, and my surgery is in 2 weeks. Race ya back to the ice!!! ;)
  6. Nothing left of the ACL in my left knee. Going in for the replacement (cadaver) on the 23rd. Not on the ice for 6 months apparently. The only redeeming thing about the ordeal is that they want me on a bike within a handful of weeks......I wonder at what intensity I can go on the bike at that point......... ;)
  7. Found it also.....and to add additional "sweetness" to this sweet spot....my girl was the one that found it and introduced me to it. Damn ya gotta love a woman with good taste. ;)
  8. MAJOR suckage man. Sorry to hear about it.
  9. Yep. Mine popped at 88,000 miles. Keep a watch on it, your temp gauge, and your coolant levels....and look for condensation buildup/sludge on the underside of your radiator cap.
  10. Hate to tell you again man......but TRUST ME......Cat up as quickly as you can. Who cares if you get smoked in Cat 4, you will at least be safer as they are typically far better bike handlers. Especially in a crit. Cat 5 crits have carnage written all over them at every start. Glad to hear that you are ok though.
  11. Just make sure that you taker easy on the comeback trail. Don't want to do too much too early and end up going backwards.
  12. Retail on that bike is $6200.....but I am getting it on a Giant's Pro Purchase program through the shop that I ride for. Gotta love perks. ;)
  13. Got a VERY lovely bonus from work and decided to use some of it to treat myself to a new two wheeled toy. :) Custom fit and spec to be completed on Sunday. Giant TCR Advanced SL 2 with full Dura Ace spec. http://www.giant-bicycles.com/en-US/bikes/...l.2/3871/36658/
  14. It was a DAMN good day today. 52 mile ride, in the sun, 72 degrees in sunny Florida. Followed that up with the Lightning equipment sale and picked up 2 Walker Pro Stock sticks. Then went and picked up a Mac Book Pro 15" and have been playing and learning the new comp all day (completely psyched about the Mac). Then went to my hockey game tonight where I put up 2 goals and an assist in a 6-2 victory this evening with my new pro stocks. Awwwww Yeaaaaahhhh
  15. Beating the 1st place team handily (5-2) to leapfrog over them with 1 game left before playoffs......oh.....and we have them by 1 point. ;)
  16. Our team jerseys are green also....so we threw on the whites. Was getting hooked most of the way by their D man, but still managed to get the top corner short side.
  17. Just ticked over 28,000 miles on my current steed....Orbea Orca. After all of my years racing for Trek, and on countless other frames......this is the most miles I have ever had on a single frame. The bike is amazing, but she is getting grey and tired. Next up.....Cervelo R3!! ;)
  18. Don't tell me that you effed it up again!!??
  19. Going from an 80% oil burner (on a good day, when brand new and cleaned...MAYBE), to a 95% gas (or LP) furnace......you will be VERY HAPPY, and so will your bills. :) You should know better than to quote the pic above yours ;)
  20. Good thing you rented instead of bought! haha, good for you bud. :) I pray for your furniture, posters, and you know...all the rest of your stuff :P grats though The market here was too nutty compared to LA for buying.....so renting was a very good move on my part. She owns her place, so once I am out of my lease....it will just be a matter of combining incomes and splitting expenses essentially. Excellent for both of us in every sense of the word. The only catch was that I had to Lysol the HELL out of my equipment as she is an Occupational Therapist and is all about healthy living and all.....so as a centerman I just lost one of my tactics for distracting the goalie. ;)
  21. Moving in with my girl tomorrow. Been essentially living there for the past 2 months....just now making it more official with a majority of my furniture going over there.
  22. If your wife will allow you to bring hockey gear, and use it for even one time during your honeymoon........then you certainly married a KEEPER!!! ;)
  23. Very nice. I've debated over getting tubes instead of my Denon AVR to power my Klipsch stuff. The problem is the good amps are expensive and the wife would shoot me. Interesting fact that we share some common interests; biking, A/V, and hockey. If you also shared one other passion you could have a MAK-90 ready for when the cops arrive, lol! :o I looked at getting a classic tube amp, but when compared to the quality and current pricing of the Carver materials on Ebay.....I simply couldn't pass them up. The TFM was $320 on e bay. WOO HOO!!! Understandably Carver is out of business, but you loose a capacitor or a resistor due to the age of the equipment....10 minutes with a soldering iron and you are up and running again with a fantastic amplifier.
  24. Just received my two Carver Amps to redo my home theater system. :) Carver TFM - 35x, 250 watts per channel to my Polk Rti A9's Carver AV - 634, 60 watts to each of the Polk Rti A3 surrounds, and 120 watts bridged to the Polk Csi A6 Needless to say, powering all of this before with a theoretical 100 watts per channel out of an Onkyo Receiver wasn't doing these justice. At "only 60" watts (high current though) going to the surrounds they really woke up, and the Main Rti A9's hit harder than they ever did before. Might be posting later in "The Venting Spot" when I get the Police at my front door for disturbing the peace. ;) And now.....to watch a movie with loud and obnoxious explosions.
  25. Same spinner I picked up about a month ago....it is perfect for me also.
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