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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. Chadd deleting The Venting Spot thread by mistake. :)
  2. The X01 spins at the same speed as a standard sharpener. The wheel is 80 grit. Sounds like to me you aren't dressing enough.
  3. Weird, I can see it http://twitter.com/DP_57
  4. JR, how can you be 100% sure the spinner is done? I'm noticing two of the ones I use the most spin longer now, yet still seem to be dressing the wheel. Also, reg. the Batgage, in the very beginning I noticed it takes a little practice to properly put it on the blade. Is it possible to de-calibrate it somehow (by accidentally dropping it or by messing with the two crews at the bottom (I think my empoyee did that). I also think that over time it might be loosing it's accuracy as skate blades cut into it's aluminum body. Thank you. I believe once you see a different color (basically what is under the diamond) and you start to see sparks.
  5. Witness marks are good if you're doing the skate over and over again. For the home guys who are just sharpening their own skates, you can pretty much sharpen away because they are your skates. Unlevel sharpenings will throw off your witness marks anyway. I mostly sharpen LS2s and PITCHs - I know from memory that I have to adjust down for PITCH because it's a bit thicker than LS2.
  6. You just beat me to it! He mentions MSH on one of his tweets LOL well he had texted me that he had set it up and so I gave him the mention on here.
  7. For all of the Tweebs out there, David is now on Twitter - username DP_57.
  8. The smaller the wheel, the more you have to dress it to get a proper shape on the wheel, thus killing the life out of your Spinners. It's cheaper to buy a new wheel than a new Spinner.
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