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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. Just tested out 90/50 and it is nothing short of amazing.
  2. Ha, no. If I continue working for them then I'll reinventory the stuff and get that list done. Everything is in limbo right now.
  3. No, we did not have those at the sale.
  4. 231 downloads

    2006 Eagle Catalogue
  5. 189 downloads

    2006 Christian Catalogue
  6. 347 downloads

    2006 Warrior Catalogue
  7. Jim - That's exactly what I have discovered as well. I primarily sharpen Mission holders (PITCH3 on my ONE95s) and Bauer skates for my friends, and switching back and forth between the two brands. It is taking about 6 clicks between them to compensate.
  8. Glad to see that you got them.
  9. Made by them, overseas.
  10. thats awesome for me, I love that meta shape B) It's more like a wheelbarrow than a Meta. Regardless, I like it.
  11. Yes, the questions begs...because rep's samples were MARKED.
  12. That, seriously, was absolutely the most brutal thing to watch. If you know the product and can talk right off the bat, then do that. If you don't, and are merely reading off the catalogue, have someone hold up some cue cards. Love the Superfeet reference as well as the whole top of the HydraMax liner because people like to "take their skates off using their skate". Wow.
  13. THat is my thought on it, the way I understood the patent on the Spinner, that it will infringe. No idea what will happen from here on out.
  14. And reports to me while making a beer run. Atta girl! Standalone dressing system in which there is a tiny diamond-coated wheel which dresses the wheel with a flat radius. Exactly the way I thought it could be done, and it will infringe on Blackstone's patent.
  15. It was invented by Steve's dad, therefore Blackstone owns it.
  16. From what I have gathered, no l\_/l but more like a standard hollow but a flat. We'll see if they get away with it.
  17. He will not be a part of Team Canada for the WC this year. I waited a couple of days after their elimination so that I could get my thoughts together (and him as well)
  18. No way you're in a L. Would've had you pegged for an XL.
  19. They have something coming up and it is being unveiled at the Coaches show down in Naples. However, this has been known in the past weeks and it will most likely infringe on Blackstone's patents. I know of one way it can be done, but once again, will infringe.
  20. One thing that I did notice about the 5100 was the temples - the screws tend to push the foam out there quite a bit, causing discomfort. I need to take one apart and take the earguards off and see if that improves anything.
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