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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Total One NXG
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 10k
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 10k
  • Shoulder Pads
    RBK 9K
  • Pants
    NBH Vapor XXXX
  • Helmet
    NBH 9900/Oakley Pro Straight
  • Gloves
    4 rolls
  • Stick
    Easton RSII

Profile Information

  • Location
    North USA
  • Gender

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  1. Is that the date for everyone? Or just for first line dealers?
  2. scratch my post. just got bauer branded one95's from my LHS the other day.
  3. When will we expect one95 sticks to be out in stores with the Bauer badge? If I ordered one95 sticks and they said they were on backorder until the 14th would they have the Bauer logo?
  4. I also have the same bag and have nothing but good things to say about it as well.
  5. can't help but notice the ID stick...what curve you get? It was actually a PM9. I went with iD because I loved the one95 but hated the grip. Plus, I saw the baby blue and was like yes, please. King Phillip, a public school in Massachusetts. I'm guessing those gloves are Maine gloves? Anyway, I really like their look, do you mind if i ask where you got them?
  6. Didn't know where to put this and I didn't want to start a new thread, but I was wondering if anyone has tried the Warrior AK27 PRO glove and how it compares to a Franchise. Not to be confused with the regular AK27 glove. Thanks.
  7. Thank you! So that being said, is it correct that the two outside dials should have to be minimally adjusted from pair to pair? Also, how often do you adjust your center dial? Sorry if this seems redundant, but your help is GREATLY appreciated!
  8. I recently purchased a V02, and I'm having tons of trouble trying to dial in the holder. It seems like it's extremely sensitive, and that I'm constantly making adjustments. Any suggestions on how to get the thing level and to allow me to cut down on adjustment time between skates? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  9. Yea, I know I tried on a pair actually that someone had on around here and could never go from my MIA's. I think I might go with some Eagle PPF's because they are on sale around here. Thanks for the input though guys.
  10. I didn't really know where to put this, so I figured this would do. I have a pair of MIA MB11's right now, but am looking to replace them. I have my eye on the prostock RBK's from The Hockey Shop ( http://thehockeyshop.com/catalog.php?Categ...Code=REEBOK_PRO ), but don't know what the difference between the pro tacks and the 852 tacks is. Could someone help me out? Which one's would fit closer to the MB11's? Thanks a lot.
  11. Caesar's doesn't have purple in their unis.
  12. People have been doing it themselves in paint, photoshop, etc.
  13. Am I guessing right in the fact that the AK27 glove will not be a part of the customizer?
  14. I really like those. Where'd you pick them up?
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