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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by budro727

  1. Swedish National team gloves?
  2. I'm pretty sure its the Xcel Energy Center.
  3. Matthew DiGirolamo of UNH was wearing them and I think they look really sharp. (Goalie pads) http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff196/b.../Untitled-2.jpg
  4. Cyclone Taylor had them.
  5. He just got the today....give it some time. Yea but they are ONE95's so he's saying why would you take the white LS2's off and put on the purplish tone ones.
  6. Yea here's a pic of them. Andy Rymsha is the MI ReebokCCM rep and he coaches the 98s I think. He's rocking 9ks in a LC colorway. Hahahaha I'm guessing he's the only one with a pair of those? I saw someone from LC with Vapor XX's in that color scheme. Must have been from last year?
  7. Yea here's a pic of them.
  8. The San Jose Eastons would look sickkk with your uni's.
  9. Are the pitch holders also taller also? I prefer the pitch over the LS2's because the steel is so much better. Also, If I put pitch holders in, I won't have to drill new holes in the boot. (anyone please correct me if I'm wrong). I thought that Custom + had the same hole pattern as the Pitch, so you wouldn't need to drill new holes.
  10. Well...yea...but I also travel a ton and I ship my gear from place to place, while having a set of the same gear at home. Originally had 2 pair of XXXXs from last year, but for this year I am going to a new set of customs, one of which you see. The other pair are on their way. Makes sense. So you have two of the same customs and two of the same stock ones that are yellow right? What'd you use to make them yellowish?
  11. Just wondering, why do you need four pairs of XXXX's and two sets of ONE90 elbow's and shin's? Just a gear whore I'm guessing?
  12. NBH 5500 Hows the fit? I have a 5000 and im thinking about buying a 9500 but havnt had a chance to find'm in store yet. To me the fit is almost identical.
  13. Thanks man. I like the material but I wished they fit a little tighter more like the swift socks. What size are they? They do look really wide in the photo. What sizes do these RBK Edge socks actually come in if anyone knows? They are quite wide. I didn't get to pick a size and all I see is that they come in either junior or senior. it looks like a ccm to me. Yea its a CCM FM80 chrome. The 9500 was awesome but I'm in love with my 480.
  14. Thanks man. I like the material but I wished they fit a little tighter more like the swift socks.
  15. Just picked up these the last week. Ottawa Edge Socks and 9500 http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff196/brb727/IMG00076.jpg NBH 9500 http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff196/brb727/IMG00065.jpg NBH 9500 http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff196/brb727/IMG00063.jpg
  16. Hockey Monkey and Hockey World do in all sizes. Hockey Monkey Hockey World
  17. I have the same One90s..Prostock right? Where'd you get those 4-rolls? They are sickkk.
  18. I'm guessing prostock cosidering the black tongue?
  19. Those are sick! Where are the from? Maine?
  20. Those are sick. How much?
  21. I just ordered 2 nike bauer pro stocks tuesday xxx lite and one90 both in azevedo curve. Is that pattern decent I was just wondering, why would you ask if a pattern is decent afteryou bought it?
  22. Sounds like what I'm looking for. Should I expect to see that along with the other protective gear coming within the next few weeks?
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