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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by SpartanHOCKEY12

  1. Few changes Another pair of 4 rolls, cept the bauer branded not nbh. 3 pro stock mission titaniums with grumpy curve, a more severe sakic, more toe curve from hockey monkey. And pro stock one95 staal
  2. Do you like those short cuffs?
  3. reyno what inno curve is that?
  4. nice malcb33, how much were they and how many do you need to get?
  5. whats the difference between the U+ Pro and the U+09?
  6. I loved my vapor XXX, i really liked the kick on my one90, but the XXX is my favorite NBH stick.
  7. i wear bunga pads, so ive felt no lace bite.
  8. how is passing with it it seems like it would roll off the heel
  9. nice Michigan stuff the last few days i noticed and i love those grafs without the silver!
  10. i love those new 4rolls
  11. Nice intake and oakley Amac
  12. xstartxtodayx nice zbubbles, i loved the grip version
  13. Nice helmet, im gonna get it in navy
  14. enforcer those are some sick rbks, very nice 4 rolls
  15. Those look like they have short cuffs, or is it that there are just 12s?
  16. Ive heard that the ak will not be aviable online but will be able to get team pairs
  17. JR i really like those short cuffs, and the black looks really good
  18. Mack what type of flex is that s17?
  19. CTHockey those are some sicks warriors, thats a mighty fine collection you got there
  20. Very nice! have them also but in black not LE. Went from 705 to these, great transition, love them :) those are lovely, i wish i still had my prostock grafs from Nick Schultz, still those are nice
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