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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About skeeter14

  • Birthday 09/13/1982


  • Skates
    RBK 5k Pumps w/ Step Steel
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 8k
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 8k
  • Shoulder Pads
    Reebok 8k
  • Pants
    RBK Penguins Pro Return, Reebok 7k
  • Helmet
    RBK 8k w/ Oakley Pro Straight Small (Black, and White helmets), Reebok 11k with Oakley visor/cage combo
  • Gloves
    RBK 8k pro stock, RBK Penguins Pro Stock 4 Rolls, RBK 8k Kinetic Fit (TBL Colorway)
  • Stick
    RBK Sickick (7v and 7k), 10k shaft/blade, NBH Vapor XXX, Warrior Dolomite, Bauer x20, Warrior AK27 Shaft with Glen Murray Pro Stock Blade

Profile Information

  • Location
    Albany, NY
  • Gender

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  1. Me too. I've had two for a while now, and love them so much I would regularly wear my all black one as an undershirt for work. Me too. I've had two for a while now, and love them so much I would regularly wear my all black one as an undershirt for work.
  2. Totally didn't know he was behind more than half the things the article listed (especially what became the reebok pump). Truly a multi-demensional innovator
  3. Review week at work....Don't feel I have anything to worry about, just generally awkward/uneasy time.
  4. Glad to hear. Congrats to you and your Mom!!
  5. Thanks man. It can be a dark, dark feeling, when it happens and id never wish it on anyone. But i got an amazing fiancee and friends and family who wont let me get too down:-)
  6. Finally getting my PTSD under control again! Days are getting brighter and brighter.
  7. Well there is a difference between what the public views as right and wrong. As I understand it from my Fiancee, who has worked on a number of child support/custody cases at her last law firm (she now does corporate law work), In New York State (obviously may differ elsewhere), the way it works is say you meet your girlfriend as an 19-20 year old working at a retail job making minimum/above minimum wage, and you have a child together. Things go bad, you split, and you come to a settlement based on your 25K-30K salary. You make your payments on this on time, everything is good. you then go on and create an incredible online business, and in turn start collecting 1-1.5mil a year. The way NYS looks at it, you are only responsible for maintaining the lifestyle of the child when you were together (ie, when you were making 20-30K a year). Now obviously there is room to appeal for a higher amount, and I didn't miss the statement you said. Of course he's going to be difficult. He is abiding by the law and the courts ruling on what he has to pay. So of course the ex-gf is going to say hes not co-operating because he didn't just hand her a blind check. If she cant seem to get by on what she has been perfectly capable of for a while (until he started making money), maybe the child should live with him, and she should have visitation, just to keep the child's best interest. the flaw in the system though is with athletes, their contract value is constantly changing, (see: 7.5 to 1.5 to 1 mil). It puts an unfair burden on him and the courts because of the constant nature of the contract value fluctionation. so the kid gets accustomed to a life style of dad paying support on 1.5 mil, then next year paying on 1 mil. Doesn't seem fair to the kid. on an unrelated note, the Red Sox Staff are IDIOTS for allowing this guy to serve him in the clubhouse on his start day. They have every right to deny him entry. His only "obligation to his client" is to attempt to serve the papers. but the Red Sox have been such a mess lately, this lapse in judgement doesn't surprise me. Like Chippa said this is profit city, at the expense of an innocent child. Now who's the bad parent?
  8. wow, I'm not even going to get started because I won't stop. He's hardly a dead beat. He's been making the payments that the court assigned to him, and is still making them. If the court finds he should pay more, and he doesn't pay, then hes a deadbeat. Until then, He is being a responsible parent, and not a dead beat
  9. was winning the battle on my PTSD........now it's beating me pretty good
  10. As someone who has a significant history of sinus/allergy problems, try this. I can promise you that if you use this, along with maybe a 12hr spray...you'll be money in no time. you can get it at any pharmacy
  11. Had Surgery for 3 abdominal hernia's in February, haven't had a chance to skate since last November (when the hernia's became too painful to keep playing), and now pain is coming back....Appointment with surgeon on Wednesday....terrific
  12. Nah, shes definitely not diabetic (plenty of blood tests to confirm it). I should have been more accurate. She's actually a vegetarian, who tries to stay as close to being a vegan as possible. So if she can avoid animal products she will, but she (and I do as well) has a ton of glucose tablets on hand for those types of situations, but if she had to take something with an animal product to counteract it, she won't hesitate.
  13. My Fiancee gets it pretty much every few hours. (not trying to one up anyone). Her's is tricky because shes vegan so she limited on some of the stuff she can take to counteract it....still really scary when it gets bad.
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