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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by vitaminZ

  1. how do the L-7s fit? Short tight fingers like the Fuels or more roomy?
  2. probably a typo for p92
  3. The way I shoot, I wear tape at the toe, my lie is correct because it lays flat when Im carrying the puck so its not that. I think some pros must have the same problem and rocker the blade to compensate
  4. so TBLFan didnt buy ALL of them then :D
  5. I really really like the Metamorphic shafts. I'm hoping I can get into some tapered pro radius tps shafts I always thought the prt blades looked great but never found any in my specs 688 bearings I like, never broke a wheel hub like I hear of happening all the time
  6. check out that rocker, looks more like a Hull pro to me
  7. I think Bauer dropping Mission helmets is a mistake Itech helmets have always been very popular
  8. clear spray paint
  9. Im kinda liking that marcel hossa curve, might have to try to bend my own righty version out of some wood
  10. thats awesome for me, I love that meta shape B) It's more like a wheelbarrow than a Meta. Regardless, I like it. so you mean its only rounded at the top hand?
  11. thats awesome for me, I love that meta shape B)
  12. marked "Styles" I guess they are the same thing though. I seem to remember somebody asking about some recently so I figured I would throw that up here
  13. oh man those Hossa gloves are niiiiice
  14. coolest thing for me: Pro Radius shafts I love small round shafts
  15. haha I've actually been contemplating picking those up, but yellow might be too much :D
  16. Personally it kills my agility playing with less than 4 wheels per skate, I only do it if something breaks and I dont have a replacement on hand
  17. man nice steal... I paid $80 for that shaft and 2 wood blades back in the day
  18. nice team comp shaft, I love mine
  19. yeah same here, tried those links 3 ways and none work
  20. you wear all the exact size stuff as JR? :D
  21. all he needs is a chrome stick or something SE nice:D and a Blakbak for a backup
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