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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by KryptOng

  1. those franchises look dope! aren't they canucks colors? the cuff on the leafs gloves are white i believe
  2. Those are friggin' sweeeeeet. Where did you get em and do they have any in 13"? U of Maine pro stocks on eBay. The seller has a few 15" available you can try and ask him if he has any 13's I pick a pair up from him in 13s last month I wanted those 13" U of Maine 4-rolls but the seller on ebay would not ship to canada =(
  3. quick tip on how to "loosen" up your opponent... undo the skate laces holding his shin guards :lol: :D
  4. very interesting idea with sewing the white felt on! but i'm sure you can pick up felt from any crafts store, i.e. Michaels, or nearby dollar stores will even have'em anyone tried different colored felt? =P
  5. Thanks! I only blacked out the stick cause the bottom of the shaft was peeling and chipping and it was pretty fugly. but now i like the look of it so i'll do it to the next one90. I also have a Stealth I got back from warranty, will black out the chrome to make it look "stealth" itech wave - tinted on the 4500 and oakley pro straight clear on the 9500
  6. Alright, my first ever photo post so hope it goes well My current favorite pieces of equipment atm... the 9500 was a gift from the girlfriend and the 4500 i use sometime, it's cracked at the usual screw holes but i still love it both sticks are one90's pm9 Malkin Curve. The blacked out one is a senior 77 flex and the newer one above is a 67 flex intermediate. i wanted to try something more whippy and i'm currently loving the 67 flex(more like 70 after cutting an inch off). will black it out when the warranty is up or if i happen to break it within 30 days saving up for custom warrior gloves and one95 skates!
  7. Not a bad job, that is kind of hard to do without cracking the blade but i doubt it that will hold up long. i just use it outside shooting tennis balls of the shooting pad. So im not putting it through hell from the second picture, it looks like it's cracked
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