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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About eastonfinn

  • Birthday 10/06/1992


  • Skates
    Easton Stealth S17
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton Syergy Se16
  • Shin Pads
    Rbk 9K
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton Synergy 700
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton Syenrgy 700
  • Pants
    Easton Stealth S5
  • Helmet
    Mission Intake-Jofa 480 Chrome Cage
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise, Mission Fuel 120, Easton Syenrgy 900
  • Stick
    2x Bauer One 95 shaft 87 flex paired with ccm 07 saprykin clone

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  1. UPDATE Looking for a new cage and a new bag
  2. I will try my best to translate it, I live in Finland but I am not good at Finish. I speak mainly Swedish. So here you are: Ultra R-80 (retro80) Light elite skate with top features Teclite nylon/polyuretan outers Breathing and quick drying Air Net Liner ____?_ Girlamid toe cap Thermo building and anatomical foot bed patented RMS blade tightening system Retro skate made of the best materials here you are. not the best but it is something ;)
  3. They are called R-80 here in Finland
  4. has it been any changes on the z-bubble/s15 shaft since it was released years ago. or is the old z-bubble find in the thread about a old easton catalogue the same as todays s15 shaft
  5. Update Helmet: Mission Intake White Cage: Jofa 480 chrome, looking for a new one to replace this rusty one Neck Protector: Judge Shoulder Pads: Easton Synergy 700 Pants: Easton Stealth S5 Gloves: Warrior Franchies 14" black carbon Mission Fuel 120 14" red/black/white Easton Synergy 900 13" red Shin Guard: Rbk 5k 15", looking for new ones, these are cracking. Jock: ShockDoctor Skates: Easton Stealth S15, the only skate the ever fitted me corretly, hard times coming up when Easton stop making them Sticks: Warrior Dolomite ´08 clear 75 flex shaft with Pro stock Dolomite Saprykin blade Pro stock Warrior Dolomite ´07 grip 320 flex shaft with dolomite Kovalchuk blade Warrior Dolomite ´08 grip 85 flex shaft with Dolomite Kovalchuk blade. All these three Dolos have a~ 3" wood extension. 2x Montreal Nitro Force grip Yellow/70 flex Numminen curve Easton Synergy 350 grip 65 flex Iginla curve Tps Response R4 int. flex Nash curve Ccm vector 105 mid flex, old ops shaft fliped with a ccm 7.0 curve#11 wood blade SRS:ed Pro Stock Warrior Dolomite grip 320 flex with pro stock Mission Bergenheim wood blade for off ice use only Replacement blades: Mission Pro Stock Sundstrom tapered wood blade Sher-wood 950 Spezza tapered wood blade 2x Ccm 7.0 curve#11 wood blade Equipment Bag: team issued bag
  6. I got one of each curve when I did order from monkey. one is stamped saprikyn and the other one saprikin
  7. if anyone seen both the e-pro and the bauer one95 gloves? can somebody tell me how about the feel and which is a better buy.
  8. I don't have any photos but i got some footage the some of my friends did record with their cellphones. and quality isn't the best.
  9. UPDATE Helmet: Mission Intake gage: Jofa 480 chrome Shoulder pads: Easton Synergy 700 Elbow pads: Easton Synergy 700 Pants: Easton S5 Shins: Rbk 5K Jock: Shockdoctor Gloves: Mission Fuel 120 Neck guard: Juge Skates: Easton Stelath S15 Sticks: Montreal Nitro Force yellow flex,Curve numminen X 2 Warrior Dolomite shaft pro stock 80flex, Dolomite blade Kovalchuk Curve Warrior Dolomite shaft 85 flex -08model, Dolomite blade Kovalchuk Curve + some old OPS made to shaft
  10. Are the prices on the pro hockey life web store in CND or USD?
  11. my equipment skate: Stealth S15 Shoulder: Synergy 700 Shins: Synergy 700 Elbows: Synergy 700 Glows: Fuel 120 Pants: Stealth S5 Helmet: old Jofa 690 whit Jofa chrome gage Sticks: Tps R4 OPS int nash, Easton 350 OPS int iggy and two dolo pro shafts ordered :D
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