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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by WhiskeyTango19

  1. Wow... that really sounds like one hell of an idea.
  2. Awesome! Piston Honda plays hockey now!! I guess the boxing thing didn't work out! :lol:
  3. Skates debut in the spring/summer. Sticks come out fall/winter. Just in time for x-mas.
  4. Quick Question: I just got a pair of white out 4 rolls. Used the tide pen and got most of the sweat stains out. Would using a white dye pen be a good idea to make the white whiter, or should I use a bleach pen or something? Looking for good suggestions.
  5. Wow.... nice pickup TBLFan. I approve! :P You picked those up on EBay I assume, what was the sellers name?
  6. Maybe if you got your ass off the bench once in a while, it wouldn't be so hard to stay warm!! Oooohh, snap! lol, j/k
  7. InTeN5ITy, does Old Bridge have ice already? If so, I can't imagine its too good. Must be really soft, at least it was when I used to work at Winding River.
  8. David, what model are the blue Eastons? Are they the new SE16's? They look really badass.
  9. I just play men's league now. Why do you ask?
  10. Dude you have the sickets mitts I have ever seen. I wish I lived closer to you so I could jump you for them! LOL J/K. For real though, if you ever feel like getting rid of them, look me up.
  11. Don't start with me! I've got titanium implants in each ankle and 2 stainless steel plates and 18 screws in my right arm! ;) +1 For titanium legs.
  12. Here you go guys, which ones do you like?: The Blue? The Green? or the Blackout version of the 8090's?
  13. I vote for keeping the XXX's. Everyone has 40's, kick it old school!!
  14. Monty, I'm really digging those Whaler Bauers. Nice pickup on those!
  15. Ya know...just because someone posts a picture of their gloves...it doesn't mean you have to offer to buy them. They aren't abused dogs looking for new homes. Lol, just saying we like. Not like we are shaking him down for them! :P
  16. +1 for that. THOSE are legit!
  17. Helmet-Mission Intake Incredibly light and comfy. Gloves- Custom Eagle X70is awesome fit for my small doll hands. Shins- 14" Mission Matrix eh. so so, but not buying new ones. Elbows- Franklin recreational rollerblading elbow pads. Laugh all you want, but they are so light and don't hamper my movement AT ALL!! Shoulders- NAH!! Girdle- Graf SO light, but protective. Feels like an inline girdle, but stops the ice puck, without me feeling it. Of course the beer leaguers I play against aren't exactly bringing the heat. Skates- Bauer 8090 ice/Mission 9500 inline. Bauers are light and durable, Mission 9500 are best skates I ever owned. Hands down. Sticks- NBH Vapor 40 87 Flex P91- Staal pattern good flex and great shot on ice.. don't really care for my inline shot with it. Good puck feel though. Easton Stealth CNT 85 Flex Drury Pattern Great shooters stick. Easton Bill Guerin Synergy SL pro-stock I love this stick. Wish I had two more of the same :( Sher-wood RM9 95 flex Regher Pattern (same as Easton Drury) Real inexpensive stick, but performs REALLY well. I like it. Good puck feel and decent shot. TPS Genesis shaft with Drury Z-Carbon blade good knock-around stick.
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